Chapter 7 - The Brother

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Chapter 7 

Trying to calm down Aimee focused on the task at hand.  Where was she going to go?  Get lost in the desert?  Let her and Zahraa become vulture food?  

No, even though she felt like being spiteful, the sun was climbing at an alarming rate and the heat reflecting off the sand was already becoming uncomfortable.  

With a click of the tongue she urged Zahraa into a canter and made her way back to the palace; taking the opportunity to think over all that Zahir had told her.  Suddenly a lot made sense.

All too soon the perimeter walls of the palace came into view and Zahraa went into automatic mode by circling round to the stables entrance.  The beautiful mare was all too happy at the prospect of shade and water.  

Aimee patted her neck and murmured a thank you as she slid off her back.  She merely glanced at Latif who looked slightly surprised to see Aimee return alone.  As Latif led Zahraa away for her rubdown Aimee stomped up the stairs still mad as hell but getting a grip on her temper again.

She had just started to cross the main hall when a handsome young man approached her.  

"As-salam alaikum Ameera," he called to her.

She ignored him and kept walking.

"Please forgive my brazen manner but you are the new Ameera no?"  

Aimee was so taken aback for a moment she didn't know what to say.

"Not for long, who wishes to know?"  She had started walking again, but his next words stopped her in her tracks.  

"I am your husband's brother, Prince Asim.  It is my honour to meet you."  

Aimee looked at the man again.  Yes, there was a strong resemblance, the same mouth with full lips, the same dark eyes, the slightly wavy hair, but the brother was more youthful with a sparkle in his eyes that implied a greater sense of humour.  Not so serious like Zahir.

"I did not know Zahir has a brother.  But then I didn't know I was married until this morning, so let's just add that to the list of things I DON'T know.  I don't mean to be rude but your brother should be back shortly."  

Once again she turned to leave but Asim stalled her again.  "Ameera, I came to see you.  I could not make it back in time for the celebration last night and would like to offer my congratulations and gifts."  

By now Aimee's patience has worn thin.  "My name is Aimee, not Ameera, thank you for coming but I have no use for your congratulations, nor do I have a use for your gifts."

A wide smile broke out on Asim's face.  "Forgive me Aimee."  (He pronounced it Aiimeee.)  "I sense you are in need of a bit of refreshment, did I mention as part of my gifts there is a case of Dom Perignon?"  

Aimee froze.  She has not had a sip of alcohol for going on 2 months.  "I'm listening..."  

Asim knew the battle had been won and clapped his hands together.  "I believe they have just served breakfast, shall we open a bottle and you can tell me what my brother has done to upset you so?"


Aimee's laughter was echoing down the hall as Asim was recounting a most famous incident involving Zahir age 8, Asim age 5, a bowl of melted chocolate and the family saluki named Haydar.  He was still just a puppy but chocolate paw-prints covered the palace floor from end to end.  

They had taken breakfast in the solarium, or rather the Arabian version of a solarium.  The windows were UV protected and the room was temperature controlled.   They were sprawled on low carved benches with intricately decorated pillows, surrounded by ferns and palms.  

Aimee and Asim had drunk half of the champagne and Aimee had just bit into a date when Zahir stormed in.  

"What is the meaning of this?  Asim!  What are you doing here?"  His features were dark and anger flashed in his eyes.

Asim got up to embrace his brother but Zahir's eyes locked onto the glass in Aimee's hand.  

"Champagne?  You are here celebrating with my brother while I was worried sick and just about to send out a search party when Latif informed me that you had already returned?"  He looked like a furious bull and a vein in his neck was swollen with his anger.  

Aimee swallowed and was about to answer when Asim moved into Zahir's line of sight.

"Brother, it is my fault, I came to meet the Ameera and bring you wedding gifts when I met Aimee in the great hall.  I convinced her to join me in breakfast even though she was in a less than celebratory mood.  Come, join us."  

Zahir looked at Asim and back at Aimee.  

She was still standing with the glass in her hand staring straight at Zahir.  "Aimee, could you excuse us please, I need to speak with my brother."  

Aimee opened her mouth but looking at Asim, she decided to let it be.  "Fine," she bit out.

She stopped to pick up the bottle of champagne.  "Asim, thank you for your company, it was nice meeting you," and with her glass and bottle she gave Zahir a sassy smile and left. 

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