Chapter 4 - The Return

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Chapter 4

Aimee stared at the floor, not really seeing it.  As far as cells go, at least it was fairly clean. It's been 25 hours since she was detained at the airport. 

A lawyer just came to see her, but she wasn't optimistic after he left since he only explained the charges and the repercussions.  According to Arabian law, a woman may not assault a man.  It was ridiculous but true.  And since the victim -the mans' wife- wouldn't press charges against him; Aimee has no defence at all. 

She was bone-tired but couldn't sleep.  Her mind would not stand still; she had paced the floor till she was dizzy.  She was dirty and the clothes she'd been wearing stuck to her from the heavy humidity along the coastline.  All she could do was wait. 

Loud banging noises woke Aimee from her light sleep.  Startled and confused she must have dozed off.  After checking her watch she realized she had only slept for an hour.  Men were shouting orders and the banging of metal on metal echoed down the concrete halls. 

Footsteps came towards her and she got up to stand in the corner of the cell clenching her fists.  They were not taking her lying down.  The guard held out cuffs and muttered 'visitor'.  Silently Aimee stepped forward and the guard cuffed her then led her to the same room she saw the lawyer in.  Only this time there were more people. 

She surveyed the room from the doorway before being pushed in by the guard.  She recognized her so-called 'legal representative', another guard who had charged her earlier, a man in a black suit and finally much to her surprise, Prince Zahir. 

Quick Arabic was spoken and Zahir stepped forward. 

"Aimee, I'm here to help.  Are you okay?"  He offered.  

When she nodded, too surprised to answer with actual words, he continued.  

"I've found a way to get you out of here but there are..., certain conditions."  She studied him as he seemed to have trouble finding the right words.  He was still as handsome as ever, although serious as the grave.  His dark eyes were searching hers and the lines around his mouth set in deep crevices.

 He looked back at the man in the black suit before continuing.  "Suffice to say you'll be released into my care." 

Aimee nodded again but finally found some words.  "It was very kind of you to have come to my rescue Prince Zahir," she said as she glanced towards the lawyer. 

He met her gaze and smiled.  "This is the only way you'll get out Aimee; or face imprisonment for an undefined length of time."  He confirmed Zahir's statement. 

Aimee looked back at Zahir with sore eyes; a headache pulsed at the back of her head.  "What do I have to do?" 

The man in the black suit launched into a fluent stream of Arabic to which Zahir answered in short clipped answers.  The man spoke again and paused to look at Aimee.  Everyone looked expectantly at her.  Zahir met her gaze and guided her to comply. 

"Yes!?"  She answered quizzically. 

The man continued again and after a few minutes she as well as Zahir signed several documents.  To release her into his care the lawyer explained in a few words. 

The next few minutes were a flash of chaos.  The cuffs were removed and they were escorted at lightning speed out of the building.  Aimee was bundled into the first of a convoy of vehicles that sped them over the barren and flat landscape to a private plane waiting on a runway for them.  Except for the strong hand on her back propelling her forward, Zahir did not speak to her again.

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