Chapter Thirteen

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I could not sleep that night. I kept walking up to people screaming, and the smell of burning flesh made me nauseas. Every time I closed my eyes I would see them being tortured and begging me for help. Some even begged me to get them water. I gave up on sleeping after a while. I decided to get up and see if my door was locked.

Too my delight it was unlocked. I grinned and took a step out of my room. Despite being in hell, I got the chills. Maybe I could somehow find Crowley down here and get his help. I started walking through the halls. There weren't very many rooms. I didn't even know what this building was. I was bored so I decided to go back to my room.

As I walked in I saw Lucifer sitting on my bed.

"I see you went exploring." He said as he stood up to face me.

"Yeah. You must have left the door unlocked."

He chuckled. "I didn't. The door has a spell on it. It only unlocks if you have no intention of leaving or trying to escape from me."

I sighed. "So, are you going to explain how this is going to work. Me being a human and all."

Lucifer walked closer to me. "We need to turn you into a demon."

I tensed. I didn't want to be a demon. Dean would hate me. "Can't we do this some other way?"

"Nope." He said popping the p. "Now, follow me."

I chuckled. "No. I can help you run hell just fine as a human."

"Are you really going to make this harder than it needs to be?"

"Your the one making this harder."

He walked closer to me and grabbed my face. "You can obey me and follow me, or you can say no and make me force you to come with me. It's your choice Allie."

I wasn't going to go down without a fight. "You'll have to force me then." I paused. "And you dont get to call me that"

He looked mad. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I knew it wasn't going to be good.

He pushed me against a wall and my head slammed into it. My vision went hazy.

"Now, come with me before I make you hurt even more."

He backed away and I followed him. The door opened right up and I followed him through the halls. My head was pounding and I was starting to get dizzy. I groaned and used the wall to support me while I walked. I must have hit my head harder than I thought. He lead me into a room and I started seeing spots. I saw that he was talking, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. My vision slowly went black and I felt myself hit the ground.

-a few hours later-

I woke up and immediately shot up once I remembered what happened.

"Whoa. Calm down wont you." I heard Lucifer say.

"How can I calm down? Your the one who's trying to turn me into a demon!"

He leaned over me. "You agreed to this."

"It wasn't that simple!"

He backed up and went into another room. He came out a few seconds later.

Rowena was with him.

"Hello sweetheart." She said smiling. I could tell she didn't want to be helping him.

She walked over to me and handed me a chalice. It was full of brown frothy liquid and had a metallic smell to it.

"So how is this going to work?" I asked. If I was going to do this I at least wanted to know the basics.

"This liquid has demon blood in it. And some other things that will help your transition. Once it's in your system we have to kill you. Dying with the demon blood in you will bring you back as a demon." Rowena explained.

She handed me the chalice and whispered in my ear. "The boys are coming to get you."

My hands shook as I took the chalice from her. If we both could stall long enough, the boys could save me before Lucifer killed me. I just hoped they were being quick.

"Go on. The longer you wait the worse this is going to be for you. It tastes best when its cold."

I shuddered. I slowly brought the chalice up to my lips. I was terrified. I didn't want this. I wish the boys had just left me alone and let this happen. If they save me, Lucifer will just try to kill them.

Lucifer was staring into my soul. He was analyzing every move I made.

I finally took a sip and I cringed. It tasted awful.

"Come on. Just drink the damn thing." Lucifer said raising his voice.

I started crying. He came over to me and took the chalice. I thought he was going to give up, but I was wrong. He pried my mouth open and forced the drink down my throat. Once it was gone I coughed up the bit of liquid that I inhaled.

We all stayed exactly where we were.

"Are you going to kill me or not?"

He turned to Rowena. "You told them what you were doing didn't you?"

She kept her face blank. "I don't know what your talking about."

He backed her up against the wall and Rowena looked at me. She tried to say something to me. It sounded like she told me to run. Whatever it was I wasn't going to stick around to find out. I bolted for the door, but he grabbed my hair and yanked me towards him.

I started screaming and he covered my mouth with his hands. I saw someone run into the room. I saw spiky hair and green eyes.

"Let her go!" Dean yelled.

He had the colt with him.

"You know that doesn't work on me Dean-O."

"I know."

"You should stay out of this. Your making it harder for everyone."

His face dropped. This time he was looking at me. "Did you drink it?" He practically yelled.

I started crying. "I'm sorry."

"Theres no turning back Dean. If she doesn't die here, something else will kill her. Either way she'll come back as a demon."

"I swear to god if you don't let her go-"

"You'll what?"

I stopped listening to them. I wish they would stop going back and forth. I was losing my strength. I thought I was going to black out. Lucifer had a knife to my throat.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but this is how it has to be. If you choose to be free, I'll just turn Dean."

Dean was begging me not to do it. He was trying to save me. He didn't know what it was like to be tortured by Lucifer. I did. I wasn't going to let him feel the same pain I felt. I would do anything to keep them safe. Even if it meant being a demon.

"I'll stay. But if you don't hold up your end of the deal I will do everything in my power to kill you."

One second I was standing there and the next second I had a searing pain in my throat and I was on the ground. My vision went black and I couldn't feel anything anymore. I felt hands touch me, but it wasn't enough to pull me out of the darkness.

There was no turning back for me.

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