Chapter Five

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I woke up and realized I wasn't in the bunker. In fact. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. I used my arms to push myself up into the sitting position. I felt around hoping to find something, a chair, couch, bed, anything really. But there was nothing. Just the cold floor I was sitting on. My eyes had finally adjusted, but it was still very difficult to see. I laid back down. As I was laying there I heard someone walking around. Once again I sat up, trying to see who it was.

"Um, sir! She's awake." The person said.

"It's about time."

I froze.

"Cover your eyes dear. I'm turning the lights on."

It was Crowley.

He turned the lights on which burned my eyes. Once my eyes adjusted I looked over to him.

"Why did you bring me here?"

He started walking towards me.

"Because. There is information about your past that you should know."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. I'm going to show you why Lucifer is after you."

After he said that he left the room. He came back in with a bowl, and what looked like ingredients for a spell. He set the bowl down in front of me. He started mixing the ingredients together. The liquid that he made was a yellowish green color.

"Give me your hand." He said.

"What? Why?"

"Do you want the spell to work or not?"

"I don't even know what the spell is for!"

"Just give me your hand."

I didn't feel like arguing so I held out my hand. He pulled out a syringe and stuck it in my arm, drawing my blood. After that he put it in the mixture.

"Why did you have to do that?"

"The spell won't work without your blood."

He sucked up some of the mixture into the syringe and then stuck the syringe in my arm.

"What the hell Crowley?!"

"The spell should kick in any moment now."

"For the last time, What is the spell for?"

"So you can see your past."

I started to feel very lightheaded. I laid down on the cold ground. It felt nice, since I was so sweaty. Within seconds of laying down I fell asleep.


-Third Person POV-

At the bunker. Dean started to wake up. Sam was already up making breakfast for the three of them. Dean got up off the couch and noticed that Allison wasn't there.

Dean walked into the kitchen and walked over to Sam.

"Hey Sammy. Making breakfast for your new guest huh?"

"No. I mean yes, I'm making breakfast. I'm not making it because she is here. I'm making it because I want to."

"Okay. No need to get all defensive."

"Can you go get Allison and let her know that the food is ready, Dean?"

"Sure!" He stood up. He walked around the bunker trying to find her. He looked in her room, he checked the spare rooms, he checked the bathrooms, but he couldn't find her.

"Shit. This can't be good." He whispered under his breath.

He ran back to the kitchen where Sam was eating some bacon.

"Sam? Do you know where she is. I searched the whole bunker, but I can't find her."

"No, I don't. I'll help you look."

Both of the brothers walked around the bunker looking for her. They were looking through all the room again when Cass appeared.

"Sam, Dean, where is Allison?"

Sam turned towards Cass while Dean kept searching the rooms. "We don't know. We woke up and she was just gone."

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Dean stopped searching and turned to face Cass.

"We woke up and she was gone. Maybe Crowley took her again." He paused. "Either way, we have to find her."

"I can try to track her." Cass said.

Once the boys got her location they started to drive to where Crowley was keeping her.


I woke up and looked around. I was in a strange room I had never seen before. The walls were a deep red color, with gold trim. There was goldfish yellow carpet covering the floors and there was a crib in the middle. I walked over to it and looked to see who was in it.

I froze.

It was me.

I leaned back up as I heard people walk into the room. They didn't seem to notice me standing there though. The people that walked in were my mom, and some random guy who had brownish blonde hair and blue eyes.

"All you have to do to hold up your end of the deal, which is letting me inject some of my blood into her. Then you can get whatever you want." The man said.

"Making deals with the devil. Never thought that I'd be the one doing it." My mom replied.

What deal could she have possibly made that was worth letting the devil inject me with his blood?

"Are you sure you want this deal. Once she reaches a certain point, she will be mine to do whatever I want with, right?"

"Of course I'm sure. Just do it already."

And with that he took a syringe and took some of his blood, and then proceeded to inject into me, the baby. He then turned to my mom and they teleported somewhere else.

With that, the scene faded and I was back in the room I was before I passed out. I realized I was tied to a chair. Seriously, what is with Crowley and tying me to chairs. It was becoming really annoying.

I sat there for what felt like ages before someone walked into the room.

"What the hell was all that?" I asked, recognizing the person as Crowley.

"The spell showed you important parts of your past that you either, don't remember, or memories that were blocked it from your mind."

"So, you're saying that all of that actually happened?"

"Yes, which means you have Lucifer's blood running through your veins."

As if on cue, right after he said that there was a loud bang. I jumped. After a few second I thought that nothing was going to happen. I lifted up my head and Crowley was gone. A few seconds later, there was a big explosion sending my flying backwards.

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