Chapter Eight

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Dean sat inside Allisons room. Cass has done what he could to heal her, but he couldn't fix everything. Her ribs were still healing and some of the deeper cuts were now bright pink lines against her skin. He wanted to be there for her when she woke up. He didn't really know why he cared so much. He just met her and they hadn't really talked much. There was just something about her that made him feel like he should protect her.

It had been three days since the incident happened. Dean was hoping they could find a way to stop Lucifer without bringing him near Allison, but he couldn't find anything. The only way was to send Allison somewhere with Crowley and he didn't want that. He got up to get Cass to have him check on her.


I was walking through a white hallway. All the doors had names and years on them. I didn't think anything of it though. I just kept walking. I tried to slow down, to go back the way I came, but I wasn't in control of my actions. I stopped at a door that was the same color as the others, there just wasn't a label on it. There was something off about though. Like something wasn't right. I heard footsteps coming from the hallway to my right. It was Cass. I was so relieved to see him.

"Castiel, are you ready for this?" I said, but they weren't the words I wanted to say. I wanted to ask him what this place was, what was going on, why there seemed to be no one around. It was like I was being controlled.

Like I was remembering something that I wanted to change, but couldn't.

"Of course Allison. Come on. We don't want to keep her waiting."

He pushed through the door and we were greeted by a woman. Her hair was almost completely white except the roots, like she had dyed her hair that color. She didn't look healthy. She looked like she was worrying for hours about things and she was overwhelmed.

'Naomi' was the name that came to my mind as I looked at her.

"Hello Allison, Cass. I hope you know why I asked you two to meet me here."

"Yes ma'am. You wanted to talk to us about how everything is going getting the souls into heaven."

"And how is that going?" she asked.

I was about to reply when Cass beat me to it.

"It's been going well actually. We haven't had any problems."

Naomi looked skeptical of his answer. Like she knew he was hiding something, but wasn't quite ready to confront him about it.

"And what do you have to say on the matter, Allison?"

"I think it's been going very smooth. Nothing has gone wrong since we started helping."

She stared intently at the piece of paper she was writing on.

She looked back up at them, amusement shining in her eyes. "Well then, be on your way. The souls can't find the way to their rooms by themselves."

We both left the room, not saying anything until we were out of earshot.

"That was close. I thought we were going to get caught." I heard myself say.

"Me too. You need to be more careful, Allie. If anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll do."

"I'll be fine, Castiel. This wasn't my first time doing something like that."

"Lets just hope it will be the last." I heard him say as the dream faded into blackness.


I heard people talking. After I gave myself a few seconds to let my hearing adjust I realized it was Sam, Dean, and Cass. I started to panic, not knowing where I was. I opened my eyes and tried to sit up, the action causing a sharp, shooting pain to go through my ribs and suddenly, I couldn't breath. I laid back onto the pillows, gasping in pain,

"Woa, Hey. Its okay Allison. Your safe." Dean said as he rushed towards me.

I thought about what happened. The last thing I remember was dean carrying me out of the castle.

"Is Lucifer?" I tried to think of the right question to ask, but came up dry.

"No. The only way we could have gotten you out was to put out the holy fire. In doing that he got away." Dean answered.

"We are trying to track him down, but we haven't found anything yet." Sam said.

"That's okay. Have you guys fixed the bunkers warding yet?" I was so terrified of the thought of Lucifer getting me again. I didn't want to go through that again.

"Yeah. Cass and Crowley fixed them when we got back here."

"Wait," I paused, thinking about the dream I just had. "Crowley is here?"

"Yeah. Why?" Dean replied.

"I don't know. I just didn't think he would stick around this long."

"Same here." Sam said.

I looked over at Dean. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course." he said. Sam took that as his que to leave.

There was a comfortable silence that filled the room after the door shut.

Dean looked at me and examined my appearance like it was the first time he had seen me since we got back.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked, keeping his voice quiet, like he was talking to a frightened animal.

"I wanted to apologize."

"What do you mean? You don't need to apologize for anything."

"I do. I feel like, ever since you guys took me in, I've put you guys in so much danger. I feel like you guys would be better off if I wasn't living here with you guys."

"Allie, I know you feel like that, but you aren't the problem. You haven't done anything. We took you in because we want to protect you from Lucifer. We knew the risks. Things like that happen to us a lot, so please don't feel guilty about it."

He stood up and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I giggled.


"I didn't know that, in order to get you to kiss me, I had to get hurt. I should do that more often."

He laughed a little bit. "Maybe I should talk to you once your thinking clearly."

He opened the door to leave, but hesitated in the doorway. "If you need anything just call me okay? Your phone is on the nightstand next to you. Sam and I are going to get some food. Please get some rest."

"I'll try."

Now I had to figure out how to get Crowley here so I can tell him about my dream.

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