Chapter Seventeen

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A few minutes later Dean came down to my room and stood infront of me.

"Awe did the angel patch you up? Such a shame."

"I dont care what you say. Your not the real (y/n). Don't worry, were going to cure you. We just need to get your memories back."

"What makes you think I want my memories back? If Lucifer thinks I'm better off without them, how do I know you weren't crazy? Or hurting me?"

"You don't. But you have to trust us. You willingly came with us. When you were trying to kill me you were begging us to help you stop."

I scoffed. "We all say things we don't mean."

"You didn't mean it?" He looked hurt, but did he really expect more from the queen of hell.

"Why would I? I just did it to gain your trust a bit. If you try to get my memories back Lucifer will help me."

"Sorry sweetheart, but I'm not letting that happen." He smiled. "Now, while were away I want you to sit here and wait. If not, Crowley will punish you."

He walked away and I heard him whisper something to Crowley.

Crowley walked in. "Alright (y/n) Cass will be here any minute. We are going to try to help you remember who you are and get you ready to get your memories back."

I sighed and leaned my head back. I was getting sick of being tied to that damn chair.

"Your sending the boys in alone?"

"Of course not. We have help."

"Oh what? Some more hunters? Your just increasing their chance of getting killed."

"Why do you care?"

"I dont. Just wondering how you expect that to work."

"Because Gabriel is helping them. And they have two archangel blades."

"Sweet. Maybe you could kill me to? It would be better than sitting in this fucking chair."

Crowley chuckled. "Nope. I can't kill you. I wont."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, it was worth a shot."

-A Few Hours Later-

We had been sitting there for hours and nothing. Crowley would dig around in my brain every now and then, but nothing happened.

Crowley and Cass were standing off near the stairs.

"It's not working." Cass said.

"It's also been hours. They said three hours. If it took them longer then we try the cure."

I rolled my eyes. "Mind including me in the conversation. I mean, I am tied up and everything."

Cass looked over at me and frowned. He then turned back to Crowley.

"You guys are sure it will work?"

"Pretty much."

"Well, its possibly our only shot so let's do it."

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