Chapter Two

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"Cass! What did you do that for?" Dean said jumping off of his spot on the couch.

"It's not safe for her to be here." Cass said as he lifted her up of the floor and onto one of the beds.

"What do you mean not safe? She's just another hunter!" Dean exclaimed.

"No, she's not. Listen, Dean" he said getting closer to him. "I don't have time to explain. We need to get somewhere safe. If you can just trust me I'll explain later."

"But what about the case, Cass? We can't just forget about it and let more people die." Sam jumped in.

"I'll take her then. Give me a call when your done." Cass said, Calming down a bit. Upset that he upset Sam and Dean.

"What do you mean take her?" Sam asked.

"I mean that there are things after her and she needs to be protected."

"From what?" Dean paused running his hands through his hair.

"I don't have time to explain it to you. Just call me when your finished with the case." And with that he vanished, taking Allison with him.
Allisons P.O.V.

"......found her.........Sam and Dean...........on a hunt........"
I heard as I slowly gained consciousness. I felt someone put there hands on my shoulders to try and pick me up. I groaned in protest.

"Hey, Allison. Are you awake?" I heard the voice say.

I groaned again. My head felt like it was going to split open.

"Hey! Allison, open your eyes. It's me. Dean."

"Hmm. I'm awake." I said without opening my eyes. My head already hurts too much. The light will only make it worse.

"Hey. I need you to open your eyes." I heard him say.

So I did. Just so he would stop saying that. And it sucked. The light was so bright I cried out.

"Hey, come on. It's okay. It's just the light." Dean said grabbing my shoulders.

"Yeah. And the light is burning my eyes."

"Oh. Right." He paused looking into my eyes. "Hey Sammy! Can you turn down the lights?"

I didn't here Sam reply but I heard the switch flip and then everything was dark. As the three of us waited for our eyes to adjust I didn't recognize where I was.

"Where am I?" I asked. A little panicked.

"Hey take it easy." Dean comforted me.

"No!" I shouted, pushing him away. "Tell me where I am!"

"You're at the bunker." Sam answered.

"The bunker?! Why the hell would you take me to a freaking bunker?!"

"It's where we live. If you would just look around you can see that we aren't going to hurt you." Sam explained.

I looked around and I saw a kitchen and some stairs. I also saw a hallway with what I assumed were bedrooms in it.

"How did I get here?"

"We don't know. Cass said something about keeping you safe and then vanished and took you with him." Dean said.

"And how do you know Castiel?" Sam asked.

"I was working a case and Cass helped me out with it." I paused staring at Dean. "How do you know him."

"It's a long story." Was all Sam said. "Listen. We know you probably don't have a place to stay and like Cass said, it's not safe for you out there so we thought that you might want to stay here. With us." Sam said.

"You want me, the girl you just met, to stay here with you? Based on something some random guy told you?"

"Well, we trust Cass a lot, and we also care about people. So yeah. If Cass thunks you should stay with us then we'll let you stay." Sam said.

"Well, I'm not going to stay here if your only going to use me."

"I'm sorry if that's what it sounded like."

"I'll stay."

"That's awesome-"

"Only if you tell me what's going on. What's after me or whatever."

I heard the flapping sound from earlier and realized it was Cass.

"I'm afraid we can't tell you Allison. Not yet anyway." Cass said.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not exactly sure about what's going on. As soon as I know what's happening you three will be informed."

I looked over at Sam and Dean but they didn't say anything.

"Can you at least show me to my room?" I asked, feeling drained.

"Yeah. Follow me." Sam said. Getting up from his spot on the couch.

I got up off the couch and followed him down the first hallway. He stopped in front of the second door on the right.

"Here you go. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you."

I sat on the bed. It wasn't that comfortable. I can't complain though. I took my shoes off and laid down. I was slowly starting to drift off when suddenly I remembered something. My car. I got up off the bed and walked over to the door. I leaned up against it to hear what was going on before I walked out.

"She can't stay here, Cass. We don't need to add another thing to worry about." Dean said.

I stood there in shock.

"But Dean. You guys are the only ones in a safe enough place to keep her." Cass said.

"Dean come on. Just give it a few days. It will be fine. I mean she is a hunter too. A pretty good one from what I've heard. I'm sure she can support herself."

So that's what they thought of me. Another problem that they had to deal with. I guess they are living up to their reputation after all.

"Fine. But only for a few days. Then she's gone." Dean said.

That's when I decided to step out.

"Um, I was just wondering what you guys did with my car and my clothes and stuff?"

"Your car is in the garage and your stuff is in the trunk." Dean said. "Um I'll show you."

He started to walk away so I followed him. I waited till we were alone before I said anything.

"I heard what you said back there."

"Oh. Um. Yeah about that." He laughed nervously.

"It's fine. I get it. You guys already have enough going on."

"No. It's not that I don't like you." He paused staring at me.

"Then what is it?" I looked into his eyes. He was struggling to find his words.

"It's just that I have a hard time trusting people. And we just met and I barley know anything about you."

"So you tried to get me to leave?"

"I guess I do that sometimes. Push people away."


"Things never work out for me I guess."

"That makes two of us."

There was a silence as I got my stuff out of the trunk and shut it. We walked back up the stairs and down the hallway and stopped in front of my room.

"Well. I'll be getting some sleep now." I said, twirling my hair around because I felt awkward.

"If you need anything let me know okay?"

"Okay." I said as I closed the door.

I was confused and didn't know what to make of the whole situation. Did I really want to stay with people I just met?

I decided to worry about that the next day and went to sleep.

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