Chapter Sixteen

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Soon after it started, it ended, but I wasn't relieved. He wasn't going to let me go this time. I couldn't remember how I got there. Or where I was. My head was killing me. I felt nauseous.

"Welcome back (y/n). Now, if I let you go, you must kill Cass."

I looked up at him. I almost blindly agreed. All I could remember was Lucifer. But part of me felt wrong agreeing to do it.

"Why?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I wanted the pain to stop.

He leaned forward and put his hands on the sides of my head. "Because he's trying to kill me. And your my queen. You have to protect me okay? So please do this for me?"

I felt what was left of my humanity slipping away.

"Okay. If I do this will my head stop hurting?"

"Yeah. I can do that for you."

I smiled at him and then he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Dont be afraid to kill anyone who gets in your way."

He then snapped his fingers and I was outside of the bunker. I was driven by something deep inside. Something was wrong, but I couldn't stop it. I had an angel blade and walked into the bunkers basement. I started walking through looking for Cass, but he wasn't in the basement.

I walked up the stairs. I stopped when I ended up face to face with Sam.

"Hey Sam."

He looked me up and down and his eyes landed on the angel blade.

"Hey (y/n). What are you doing?"

I felt the last bit of my humanity slip away and I smiled.

"I need to see Cass."

He stepped towards me so I pointed the blade at his chest. He stepped back and put his hands up.

"Woah. Calm down. Whats going on?"

"I need Cass. And your in my way. Now you can move and let me go, or I can kill you. Its your choice." I said raising my eyebrow. I wanted him to stay. I wanted to watch him die.

A small voice in me whispered to stop, but I ignored it.

"Calm down okay? We can talk? Figure something out? I could come bring Cass to you."

I tried to walk past him, hoping he would let me go, but he splashed holy water on me.

"I'm sorry (y/n), I cant let you hurt Cass. Or Dean."

My eyes flashed black. "Let me go!"

"No! I know you love Dean. You might not remember, but we do. I'm not letting you hurt them."

I smiled. "Then I'm just going to hurt you."

I lunged at him, but he ducked and got away.

"Sam! Your making this way harder than it needs to be."

I turned around but he was gone. I was walking through the halls looking for him when I sensed him behind me.

"(y/n), come on. I know you. Your kind. You would never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it."

"That was before he saved me."

I tackled him to the ground and my eyes went black. I felt the rage and darkness take over as I tried to kill him. He knocked the blade out of my hand so I punched him iver and over.

"(y/n) please. Your like my sister. I love you. I know the real you is in there."

I faltered for a second.


He smiled. "Welcome back."

I jumped back to give him space. I kept backing up until I ran into something. I turned around.

"(y/n)?" He looked from me to Sam. "What the hell happened to you two."

"Lucifer happened. Hes brainwashing (y/n). He sent her to kill us."

I was okay for a minute, but I felt the darkness taking over again.

"Well, You brought her back. Which means she has some humanity left."

"Dean?" I whispered. I dont even think Sam heard me.

He came towards me and grabbed my hand. "Whats wrong? We can help you."

I started crying. "I can feel my humanity slipping away."

My eyes started flickering back to black.

"Come on. I know this isnt you. You can fight this okay? I love you. Sam loves you. Hell even Cass loves you. You can fight this. I know theres some good in you."

I started panicking. "Its not working."

The panic turned to rage.

"(y/n) its okay. Im here. Were going to get through this."

"Sam go get Cass." Dean said.

"You want me to leave you alone with her?"

"Yes. Now go."

He looked me in the eyes, but his expression changed inti fear and determination as my eyes stopped flickering and stayed black.

"You can hit me, and torture me all you want, but I'm not going to fight back. I don't care if your a demon I'm not going to hurt you."

I smiled and picked up the angel blade. "That will make this a lot easier then."

Before he could blink again I had him pinned to the ground and tried to stab him. He had grabbed my arm and was trying to push it away.

"I love you (y/n). No matter what happens remember that."

I kept driving the blade down till it eventually hit his skin. He groaned as he struggled to push my hand away.

I started crying. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. I was too far gone.

"I'm sorry Dean."

"Come on. You can stop this. I know you can. Your not a killer."

I cried even harder as the blade went further into his chest.

"Make it stop! Please!" I begged. I knew he couldn't do anything. Neither of us could and he knew that. Our only hope would be Cass and Sam.

As if they could hear my thoughts they showed up.

Cass ran up behind me and pulled me off of Dean. Sam knelt over Dean to asses the damage.

Cass help me to his chest and started talking to me.

"Come on (y/n) this isnt you. We love you and we can help, but we cant if you dont let us."

I growled and then screamed at him. "I cant stop! He'll kill me if I stop." I cried trying to pull away from him.

"We'll keep you safe we promise. Please (y/n). I can heal Dean if you let me."

The mention of Dean made me calm down a bit.

"You can heal him?"

"If you can keep yourself under control."

I howled again. "I cant!"

He took me down to the basement and put me on a chair in the middle of a devils trap. He tied me down and promised he would come back and help me.

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