Chapter Eleven

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Dean helped me up and I sat in one of the chairs.

"That was awful. It's never been that bad before." I sighed, glancing over at Cass. "Felt like my head was going to explode."

"That's not good. What do you think it means?" Dean asked.

I saw Sam watching us. "I don't know. Sam, you used to get visions right?" I asked, remembering that conversation when he told me about his past.

"I used to. Because of Azazel." He answered.

"Well, I've been getting these visions. They're about me. A past life or something. And Lucifer is always there. But so Is Cass. And most of the time were in heaven."

There was a pause as he tried to process what I was telling him.

"Why would Lucifer be showing you these? Do you know?"

I looked at Cass again. He could wake up at any minute. What will he do when he realizes what's happening?

"I think, maybe I was an angel. And I made a deal with Lucifer to be human for 20 years. But after 20 years I would belong to him. And I guess thats why hes coming after me. Because the 20 years are up. It's actually been more than 20 years. I think thats why he's so mad that I keep getting away."

"Why didn't you say anything about this sooner? We could have taken care of this a lot sooner." Sam asked.

"I didn't know how you would react. And I was hoping that I would figure out how to take care of it on my own. But obviously that didn't happen."

Sam smiled. "We'll help you. Don't worry."


It had only been 30 minutes when Cass finally woke back up. Crowley showed up so I explained to him and Sam what happened in my visions. It was very tense. I made eye contact with him and his facial expression changed. It changed from a look of confusion to one of realization.

He stood up. "It was you. I always knew something felt familiar. And I wasn't sure."

"Cass what are you talking about?" Dean asked.

"The visions. They're things that have actually happened to us. But you don't remember because once you became human you lost all memory of being an angel."

"Wow I didn't take you for the angel type."

Dean gave Crowley a dirty look. "What do we do now? I mean, we can't just pretend like we don't know." Dean said.

I looked over at Cass. "For now we find a way to stop Lucifer. Then we'll figure this out."


Third Person POV

After they finished talking Sam and Dean left to go look for signs of Lucifer, and Crowley went to do whatever the king of hell does. Allison was in her room and that left Cass alone in the library.

How could this happen? He tried to think about his time in heaven before the fall, and he remembered someone being there, but he couldn't remember their face. He thought about what Lucifer showed him. If it was really her there with him, why couldn't he remember?

One second he was in the bunker and the next second he was in heaven. In Naomi's office.

"Hello Castiel."

He looked at her. "Why am I here?"

"I was hoping this day wouldn't come." She sighed, looking up to meet his eyes. "I should have known you would find each other again. Even if it's not in a romantic way."

Cass huffed. "You did this then. Messed with my memories. And hers."

"It was the only thing I could have done Castiel. She was gone and you missed her too much for your own good. I had to change your memories Castiel, or you would have left too."

"And who were you to decide that? She was a sister to me. And neither of us can remember it. How is that okay?"

Naomi sighed. "Listen Castiel, you don't have to like it, but this is your job. You can't have distractions with a job like this."

"Send me back." Cass growled.

"Where? This is your home."

"Send me back! You know where."

Naomi was going to say no again, but saw the look in Cass' eyes and realized she might have taken things too far.

His surroundings started to change again and soon enough he was back in the bunker.

He wanted too badly to punch something, his breathing was labored. Why did the angels always have to ruin everything? If it weren't for his panicked state then he probably would have noticed the other angel in the room, but it was too late.

"Hello Castiel. You really shouldn't leave like that. Its way easier to get to the gurl when you guys aren't here."

Cass spun around. "Where is she?"

"Oh, don't worry. She doesn't know I'm here yet. But the winchesters are in their way. I sent a message from Allies phone."

Allison was listening to their conversation. She tried to find her phone but she couldn't find it. She heard the doors open and knew it was Sam and Dean. She ran out if her room, angel blade in hand and trued to get to Sam and Dean without Lucifer noticing. She was almost there when Lucifer teleported right in front of her.

"Look who finally decided to join the party."

"Don't touch her!" She heard Dean yell.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you."

Lucifer went to grab her, but Sam quickly lit a match and threw it on the floor. She was confused at first, but once she realized what it was she was relieved.

It was an angel trap. Thank god for the bunkers warding.

Crowley showed up. "Oh, this is just lovely isn't it. Not only do we have him trapped, but I also have this." He said, pulling out the arch angel blade.

Allison started to get dizzy. She suddenly remembered the effect he has on her when he's close because of their shared blood. She pushed the feeling back and focused on the task at hand.

"Well, let's get to it then shall we."

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