Playa's gonna play

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Attire for this chapter ^

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Attire for this chapter ^

"Oh my god Jade this club is jumping," my best friend Camille says dancing on me, she was right the energy in this place is unbelievable.

Good vibes all around there wasn't a seat in sight, everyone had come out to enjoy their Friday night.
"Quick bathroom break I'll be back in five," I say leaning over to speak directly into Camille's ear, she gives me a thumbs up and turns her attention back to her fifth shot of Don Julio.
I make my way through the mass of sweaty people to find a decent bathroom, it was mildly clean unlike most places in L.A.

"Shit I'm sorry, Excuse me Ma," a man says after lightly knocking into me, I stumble thanks to these ridiculously high heels I'm wearing but oh well beauty is pain.
"I'm okay don't even stress it," I say, he laughs helping me regain my balance.
"Where have I seen you before?" He asks catching me off guard until I remember, "maybe it was the new Calvin Klein billboard on the Hollywood freeway?"

Just a few months ago I had my first major shoot, I modeled underwear for Calvin Klein it was a huge success I made a good profit. I thanked him again then excused myself to the bathroom my bladder got the best of me once again.
"Yo it's the model chick from the bathroom" it was the same man this time we met at the bar, but he wasn't alone. Three men one who he shared the same face but another, fine as hell, light skin, brown eyes, and a neat bun in the back of his head. I examined his body, built with a lot of tattoos just my type.
"We meet again" I smile after receiving my drink from the bartender, "come and meet my boys," he says waving me over.

I put on my game face and make sure my posture is at a ten "I'm Jade Lee and you?" I asks his obvious twin brother just to be polite, but my attention was solely focused on the light skin cutie.
"Jonathan and this is our cousin Roman," he says tapping his boy on the shoulder. I extend my hand to Roman he smirks gripping it "Jade a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Jackpot I was going to have this man-eating out the palm of my hands... or so I thought.

"What y'all up to tonight?" I ask bending over slightly to reveal my cleavage to him.
Again he smirks not being modest about him staring at my chest "shit I'm on whatever you on baby girl, besides what you doing here by yourself?"

"Oh I'm not alone I'm here with my bestie, she's right over there-" but my words trailed off at the sight of Camille grinding up against some random.
"Looks like she's found herself the flavor of the night, my services just might not be needed anymore."
I flash him my million-dollar smile, he returns and reaches for his phone "let me take your number just in case I don't see you after tonight."

I put my number in his phone faster than a heartbeat no way I was letting this fine ass man slip away from me that easily.
"Call me whenever pa," I say making sure to use my Spanish accent, it always drove the men wild.

"Don't worry baby girl I'll be putting this number to use real soon."

I turned on my heel and switched seductively back to my section, I knew he watching me I could feel his eyes on my hips.
"Cam you won't believe how fine this man is" I say gushing to her, at this point she was drunk falling drunk. I had to keep her stable so I kept her position on me, Camile often got this way so I was used to it "here drink this water" I say handing her the bottle I always keep in my bag.

She chugs the water and goes to throw the bottle wrongfully, but the second her hand goes into the air I had to immediately pull her down for shelter. Gunshots rang through the air, I get a glimpse and it was Roman and his cousins "what the fuck" I scream out, trying my hardest to shield Camile. I would never forgive myself if my friend was hit in this drunken state, "Camile get down" I shot hugging her for dear life.

We made it out through the crowd of people and safely make it back to my car, but one question still shot through my brain "who did I just involve myself with?"

I got Camile home safely and decided to crash at her house, the clothes I wore to the nightclub long gone and my face bare. I cuddled up to Camile in her California king-sized bed, what a night I'm tired and in need of sleep. I dozed off quickly forgetting the events of the night but also trying to forget him, I swore off gang bangers and gunslingers but damn did I feel safe in presence.


"Yo Jon, that girl your brother met Jade she saw me shoot that gun, we have to get her up here and make sure she ain't no snitch."

"Okay bro call her tomorrow and take her out, make sure she ain't on that rat shit cause it got real ugly tonight."

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