Super Gremlin pt 2

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I had to clean myself up before I returned to the party I got a few weird stares from two elderly women that came into the restroom to "freshen" but once they saw the blood dripping from my nose they offered to help.

Jade had a hell of a right hook I've never in my life been hit by a woman in the face, but the situation between us was far from over. No matter how much she denied us I knew in my heart that she was supposed to be my girl. I exited the bathroom and went to turn the corner until I heard people whispering, being the nosy person I am I kept quiet. A
"You were supposed to get her on our side not fall in love with her Seth"
It was Randy I knew that voice from anywhere, Seth let out a deep breath before speaking again.
"For the hundredth time Randy I'm not in love with Jade.. but I do like her she's cool man what did you expect?"

"I expected you to do your damn job Rollins not get soft on me over a piece of pussy" Randy answered, I clenched my fist together trying to compose myself.

"I never touched her asshole, listen she's a great girl Randy, I'm done messing with her head. If she wants to run back to Roman so be it, we don't need her to bring down the bloodline, we've got all the facts, the schemes, the money laundering, I'm through fucking over Jade she doesn't deserve this."

It was silent for a moment until Randy spoke: "you're a better man than I am Rollins, we'll do things your way but if this shit doesn't happen according to the plan you'll have to answer to me."

They walked back into the party and I kept a cool distance behind them trying to act like I didn't over here their encounter.
"You good baby?" Camille asked, as I sat back down at the table, I flashed her a fake smile and she went back to eating her dinner.
The event rolled on and I sat contemplating and calculating my next steps, there was a great chance that I would end up in jail tonight. But that rat Seth had to be dealt with, he's trying to destroy everything that I have, and bringing Jade into this? There weren't any lengths he would go to to see me fall, something had to be done now.

He and Jade got up to slow dance the way gripped her waist and was able to stare into her beautiful eyes drove me insane. I was seething on the inside, nobody knew not even the twins, my eyes never left them as she smiled and he spun her around. He pulled her close and put one hand up to her face cupping her cheek, she blushed inching closer to him, but before their lips could meet I lost it.

"Yo Rollins!" I shouted as my fist connected with his face, he fell sprawled out onto the floor, and I got on top of him pummeling him to the ground.
"Roman please" Jade screamed trying to pry me off of him, Jon grabbed her trying to keep her from getting hurt, "Yo Uce we gotta go, Ric is gonna call the cops" Jey yelled swinging an arm around my neck.

Seth laid there beaten and bloody "tell her Seth, tell her about your little plan" I screamed as the boys dragged me out of the event.
The last thing I heard was Jade she was screaming bloody murder "somebody please call an ambulance he's unconscious."

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