How much do you know?

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The next day...

"Are you sure?" I questioned Jey? I couldn't believe what I was hearing about what took place last night, Jade sliding off with Rollins?
"Sorry bro it's the truth, she looked hesitant though I wonder what he could have said to make her trust him."

Nah, I had to see it for myself "I'll be back" I muttered grabbing my keys off the table.
"Don't do anything stupid" Jon shouted after me, but I had no plans of making a fool of myself I just needed to see her. My baby girl in the car with our enemy? Something didn't seem right he must have manipulated her in some form, how can Jade just ride off with someone she didn't even know.

I approached her house and knocked on the door, she answered looking beautiful as ever but I can tell I disturbed her sleep.
"Baby," I said taking her into my arms, she wrapped her arms around my neck allowing me to pull her close.
"Hey handsome" she mumbled against my chest, "what are you doing here it's 9 am," she said yawning.

"I wanted to see you" and I did, I was ashamed of myself for not keeping an eye on her last night she was supposed to come home with me.

She let me in the house and I followed her into the kitchen "coffee?" She asked grabbing two mugs, I nodded my head and opened the refrigerator looking for creamer.

"How do you want it?" I asked her, she smiled and replied "black" I pulled a face in disbelief, no way this sweet girl wanted her coffee bitter.

"It's a model thing helps me get through early morning shoots and long nights." I nodded and fixed my coffee the way I always took it, while she sipped hers slowly.
"I need to ask you something baby girl, although I wanted to see that beautiful face of yours something has been brought to my attention."

She set her mug down and gestured for me to continue "well let me just start with an apology" I said grabbing her hand "I'm sorry for leaving you all alone last night, there are no excuses for my behavior. I should have kept you close and it's a mistake that I will never make again."

She smiled wide almost in relief "but I just have one question, who did you ride off with last night?" Although Jade was perfect for me in every way I still had to keep my affairs in order until I knew what he was planning.

"His name was Seth.. he said he was a friend of yours and the boys, something about you being Thor and him Loki."
I sighed in relief so he didn't try anything with her.. but why?
"Jade baby... I'll never try and dictate your life but please stay away from him that guy is bad news all the way around."

"I wasn't planning on seeing him again," she said, I smiled and leaned over the counter to peck her lips "good I'll see you later I got some running around to do, be ready by seven I'm taking you out tonight to make up for my behavior at the party."


After Roman left I got myself ready for the day, showered, and did my normal beauty routine. I started to fix myself something to eat when my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID it was Seth, I hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Hey good morning sleeping beauty, I just wanted to  call in to see how you were feeling after last night." He spoke over the phone I sighed and shut off the stove "Listen I'm not supposed to be talking to you" I said vaguely.

"I reckon your boyfriend found out about our little encounter last night, Jade I'm not a bad guy..." his words trailed off.

"Maybe not, but I have a good thing going with Roman he respects me and I don't want to hurt him in any way." He laughed hard "you? Hurt Roman? Don't be ridiculous princess, tell me how much do you know about your new friend? Listen how about you spend the day with me, let's get to know each other."

"Seth I'm not supposed-" he cut me off "I'll be at your house in twenty minutes."

So I see the comments about Seth, but what do you guys think happened between him and Roman? Also thanks for the support, this chapter is kind of boring but I just wanted to give you guys an update!

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