Playing Games

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After the smoke cleared I sat in the hospital with Seth, he was beaten horribly and fell unconscious due from the many blows to the head.
Randy his boss sat in the waiting room next to me waiting to hear some news about Seth, it was almost three in the morning we'd been here since eleven o'clock last night. The time passed on without so much as an apology from Randy, he just went on and on about how "stupid" Seth was.

"I think I'm going to head home, call me when you can find out what's going on with Seth" I said to Randy, he nodded giving me a two finger salute. I rolled my eyes at his demeanor he was a cocky prick, I've never in my life met a more selfish human being.

The doors to the hospital automatically opened and my face was met with the cool morning breeze, I got into my car and started to drive. As I drove home I thought hard about the events of the night, so many questions unanswered it made my stomach turn.
Why did Roman get so mad, I mean jealously was not an excuse to physically beat the shit out of someone.
I rubbed my eyes and focused on the ride feeling the tired running through my body, the thoughts in my head kept taking over and I tried to shake them off.
Half way home I made the decision that I would go and find Roman and ask him what's up? Was he really that stupid or did he just have a big head? Nonetheless I needed to know, so I turned around back into the heart of the city. You would think a rich CEO would want a little more seclusion but no, Roman owned the biggest, gaudiest pent house apartment in Los Angeles.

My heels clicked against the pavement hard as I stomped into the building, the night guard at the front desk aimlessly tapping away at his phone.
"Can I help you ma'am?" He asked me, I gave him a smile turning on my charm.
"Yes actually I need you to buzz me up to Roman's apartment."

After a moment or two the elevator opened, I smiled once again and stepped inside, Roman lived at the very top of this building I had only been here once but never actually going inside.
When the doors opened back up I stepped inside of his huge loft, everything was beautiful and well put together. You would never know that the man who owned this place was such a ruthless son of a bitch.
I could hear loud banging and laughing coming from what I assumed was the kitchen, after all it was the only room in the apartment that had the lights on.

Jey and Jon sat at the far side of the table smiling about something, while Roman and Camille sat at the other. She was sitting on his lap practically riding him, I never knew she could act so carelessly in front of men. It was disgusting to say the least but after the last few months nothing shocked me anymore, Camille is an attention seeking whore.

I cleared my throat making my presence known, all eyes on me Camille rolled her eyes hard jumping off of Roman. I set my bag on the table ready for anything she threw at me, Camille was pathetic to me now and I grew tired of being nice.

"Bitch I know yo ass ain't come rolling up in here at three in the morning, can't you take a hint this is my man now!"
I smirked how can someone be so delusional "this your girl Roman?" I asked him, he threw his hands up in defense.
"Man hell naw! Camille I let you rock but I ain't never even touch you for real, you gotta go love"

Her mouth fell to the ground "what does she have that I don't?" That was a serious question, how did she get like this? When did she? Was she jealous of me the whole time?

"Morals" Jey said.
"Self respect" Jon said.
"Dignity" Roman said.

She grabbed her stuff and left out of the room, ouch that would leave a scar on her for sure.
I threw off my coat and set down the bag that contained my dress from this evening, now I wore blue ripped up jeans and a tank top.
"So you gonna tell me what's up?" I asked Roman sliding into the seat next to him, he smiled folding up his hands.
The twins exited the room and took their party elsewhere, "your boy is playing you and has been from the start, he and bitch boy Randy came up with a whole scheme to get next to you."

"What?" I asked him, none of this made sense Seth was my friend.
"Baby girl don't be dumb, Seth knew who you were long before y'all met. He saw you with me knowing I don't let just anyone get comfortable around me, you were a pawn in the game that they're playing to take down my company."

I sat back into the chair listening to him talk thinking about mine and Seth's relationship, from the time that we met until now. Seth was always in the right place at the right time for me, all I ever had to do was call and there he was.
"Jade?" Roman said, evidently enough I zoned out of the conversation replaying the events of the night. "Sorry" I whispered, Roman put his hand over mine stroking his thumb over my palm, it was the first time in months that we had any physical contact.

I missed him everyday and it never got any easier, but the hurt that he brought into my life was inexcusable. Now I had bigger problems Seth Rollins had to be taken down, nobody is going to play with me ever again.

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