The Truth

286 11 1

3:00 PM

The next day I waited at the hospital to catch Seth being discharged, I needed answers how could he play me for months without me suspecting a thing.

I stood in front of the entrance doors with both hands in the pocket of my shorts just waiting, soon enough the doors opened and a beaten down Seth Rollins limped out of the hospital. Our eyes met and a huge smile replaced a look of pure pain written on his face.
"Princess you came back for me" he groaned, Randy was his support man and held his body up as he hobbled towards me.
A sting of pain hit my stomach and I immediately felt sick, I trusted those deep chocolate eyes with my life but not anymore.

He made it over to me engulfing my entire body in the tightest embrace I've ever felt, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead as one single tear slipped from my eyes.
"Your coming home with me" he muttered into my ear, I shut my eyes tight to stop the waterworks that would easily flow down my face.
"I trusted you" I say chocking on my words, on his face was an unexplainable expression.
"I trusted you... and you fucking lied for months, I let you into my home, my life... my body."

I swore on my life that I would never speak of the night Seth and I slept together, not because it was bad but because it was the first time anyone had ever made love to me.


"You are phenomenal" Seth purred into my ear snuggling me tight under the sheets that cling to our bodies.
I blushed deeply in the moment of bliss taking in everything that just happened, Seth had loved me like no other.
"Your pretty amazing yourself" I giggled, he leaned over to me and placed a breath taking kiss on my lips, it made my heart skip a beat.
"I think I'm in love with you" he blurted out, my eyes went wide and he instantly wished he could take those words back.
"I... Jade I'm sorry I just got caught up in the moment" he rambled.
I shut him up with another kiss on the lips, he sighed in relief "hey it's okay Seth, I think I love you too"


I blinked away tears and pushed his body off of mine, Seth hissed in pain his body already aching terribly from the night before.
I cleared my throat and wiped away the petty tears on my cheek "from this point on I will help Roman in anyway to see that you and bitch boy Randy never see a piece of the money that you two bozo's invested into your company. Oh and another thing Rollins stay away from me or I won't have a problem making sure you can't walk the next time Roman puts his hands on you."

I walked away and immediately got into the car putting it into drive and speeding all the way home, as I inched closer to my house a familiar car was parked into my driveway.

And there Roman sat on the steps leading into the house with a bouquet of blue roses in his hand, just like the day he begged me for a chance.
I rushed out of the car and ran to him he wrapped his arms around me "I slept with him" I break down, Roman hugs me tighter not letting go while I ruin his plain white shirt with my makeup.
"It's okay" he whispers into my ear repeatedly, I hand him the keys to my house so he can unlock the door and let us inside.

"Come on beautiful" he says picking me up swiftly off of my feet and carrying me to the couch.
He sets me down and sits at the other end placing my feet on top of his lap. He unlaces my shoes and pulls off my white socks and begins to massage my feet, "your not mad?" I ask in shock, expecting him to be having a full on meltdown.

"Jade... I embarrassed you in front of half the city and dated your best friend, Rollins seemed like your knight any women would have. And I have to accept the fact that I pushed you into his arms, and it's my fault. If I would have treated you the way I should have we wouldn't be where we are now baby girl. Now get some sleep I'll stay for a while but later I have some business to take care of with the boys but I'll be back as soon as I can."

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