Dedication to Mystivio

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To a stranger I have never met --

We may be next-door-neighbors,

Or with a sea between,

Yet love of books (and dwarves and elves)

Make distance obsolete.

I do not know your face, your name,

And you do not know mine,

Yet words you write, ideas you share,

Reveal you to be kind.

Within this world of sick and dark,

of gnashing teeth and fight,

Your existence on the shining page,

Proves there's good and light. 

So, as I write my story,

A prequel to the kings,

I create a dedication,

To the stranger with the wings:

I'm grateful for your words --

Here's my simple thanks a lot!

Your kindness to the nameless,

Shall never be forgot.


This story is dedicated to

I found their account under the "Blitzstone" hashtag on Tumblr. I reached out a few times (anonymously) and talked about The Journey to Find Mimir before it was written. They responded with such enthusiasm and kindness that I found myself thinking of them as I wrote this story.

Mystivio, thank you for your contributions to the ever-growing content surrounding Hearthstone and Blitzen. Your many posts dedicated to two kind book characters have helped keep their story alive -- and helped me write mine.

May light shine wherever you go.

- welshaphrodite


There is goodness in this world. I am lucky to have come across a small piece of it.

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