Chapter Fifty: A Crash Course in Party Crashing

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I awoke the morning of September 21st with a strange sense of calm. I looked out the window, appreciating the beauty of the snowy landscape, watching the snowflakes drift by in gentle flurries. I took a slow, deep breath. This is it. By tonight at midnight, either all of my problems will be solved -- or I will be consumed by hungry giants. In the quiet of the morning, I took the idea and rolled it over and over again in my mind. 

A pillow slapped me across the face.

I couldn't help it -- I screamed. 

Rannveig was on her feet in a matter of seconds; Greta was still fumbling for her glasses. 

"What happened?" hissed Rannveig. 

My face was on fire. The pillow sat innocently on my lap. 

Hearthstone was awake. He stood over my doll bed already dressed for the day. His red and white scarf draped around his shoulders. I suddenly felt very vulnerable in my pajamas. 

Hello, Hearthstone signed to Rannveig.

Hungry, he signed to me. 

You could have gotten my attention another way, I replied. 

Hearthstone shrugged. You are not wrong.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. 

"Rann? Greta? What was that?" asked a voice.

Panicked, I examined the surface of the dresser. There was nothing to hide behind. My heart pounded in my chest. Hearthstone and I were two delicious snacks on display in the bakery window.

Rannveig was faster than her sister.

"A movie!" Rannveig called back. "My volume... It did something weird. Sorry to bother you! I will be right out!"

The doorknob wiggled. Fear shot down my spine. 

"Why are you watching a movie this early? It better not be that clock app with all those 'challenges' I keep hearing about. And why is the door locked? Rann, just open the door. I want to ask you about--"

A crash of broken glass came from somewhere down the hallway. 

"What in this World!" exclaimed a deep voice. "Addie, what happened?"

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to. It was an accident."

There was a sigh from down the hallway. Then, a call came towards our room. 

"Dear? Could you grab some towels and bring them to the kitchen? Addie knocked over my coffee mug."

"Oh no!" exclaimed the mom. Then, "Hurry up, girls, there is a lot to do today. Don't be in bed too long!"

Footsteps sounded down the hall, then silence. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

Rannveig put a hand to her head and laughed. "I wasn't sure what to do! I was about to open up the top drawer and stuff you both inside!"

"We have to be more careful," Greta said. She fiddled with her glasses. I noticed that there was another pair beside the bed, made for her if she had just one eye. 

Great pushed the glasses up and onto the bridge of her nose. "This is going to be a... tricky operation."

"Should we contact the rest of the team?" Rannveig asked.

"It might be too late," Greta said. "People are going to be dealing with out-of-town relatives or helping younger siblings get ready. I don't really want to put any more pressure onto them. Besides, this is going to be delicate. I think it would be best if it were just you and me."

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