Chapter Forty-Nine: A Giant Risk

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Greta pulled the dress off the rack and waved a hand over the fabric. The dress expanded in size. 

"Rannveig and I are going to sneak you into Utgard-Loki's party," she said. "We can't use illusions, but there are easier ways around that."

She held up the dress. "Utgard-Loki has the party set to Giant Size 8, which should make it just big enough for and Hearthstone to fit into the pocket. If we cut a hole right here, you should be able to see out."

"And breathe!" Rannveig added. 

"Where do you need to go? The fountain?" Greta asked. 

I nodded, barely able to speak.

"Then we will figure out a way to get you in and down the drain. The river should send you through a hollowed-out part of the tree root, like a waterslide directly to Mimir."

I could feel tears building up behind my eyes. Part of me wanted to jump for joy. There was hope for getting out of here! But anxiety twisted in my stomach. 

"That is so... kind of you," I said slowly. "But Hearthstone and I can't accept--"

"What!?" shouted Rannveig. 

Greta shushed her sister. 

"Go on," she said to me. 

I looked at my hands. For a moment, I was speechless. Baffled. Why were they trying to help me? Why was I worth helping?

I took a breath.

"If you got caught, it would put you two into a really dangerous situation. I couldn't ask you to do that for me."

The two sisters looked at one another. 

Great spoke first. 

"Every rescue mission comes with risk," Greta said. "In fact, every time we help someone, we are potentially upending the entire operation. But we made our decision long ago. We can't sit by and allow what is happening. We have never been comfortable with the way giants harm others. So that is why, every day, we and others make sure that you are protected and escorted to where you need to be. It is a risk we are always willing to take."

"Yeah, what she said." Rannveig gave me a crooked smile. "I couldn't sleep at night if I knew there was someone who needed my help and I just shrugged. We're doing this whether you like it or not -- so get on board."

Tears welled in my eyes. Embarrassed, I wiped them away. This wasn't just about saving me and Hearthstone. I thought of all the hours I had spent, alone in Nidavellir, feeling like I was worthless. 

I looked up at the two sisters, who were both smiling at me. Greta with her soft and steady ways. Rannveig with her confident smile, her hands on her hips. I wish I could go back and tell my past self that there were good people in these Nine Worlds. I just hadn't found them yet. 

"Thank you," I managed to choke out.

Rannveig nodded, all business, and Greta gave me a warm smile. 

"We will sneak in some food tomorrow morning. We will leave tomorrow evening. That will be plenty of time to go over the plan. But the mission is pretty dangerous. Do you think that this will be an agreeable plan to your..."

Greta paused, then gestured to Hearthstone. 

I turned to my elf, who slept peacefully in the plastic bed. 

Tomorrow, we would be unwelcomed guests at a party featuring every giant in Jotunheim. 

Was it dangerous? 


But the two of us had jumped off cliffs. We had skied away from hungry giants and escaped capture in Midgard. We fought illusions that nearly killed us and bested Utgard-Loki at his own game.  

I knew that Hearthstone would be by my side tomorrow. We would see this journey through, no matter how dangerous the risks.  That is just how the two of us had come to be.

I turned to answer Greta's question.

"Yes," I said. "Hearthstone and I will be ready for anything."

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