Chapter Fifty-Three: The Voice of the True Mastermind

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A gentle hand reached into the pocket of her dress. Greta carefully placed Hearthstone and I onto the bedspread. Her face was as white as a sheet. Rannveig was frowning, her brow furrowed.

"I don't know," Greta said to her sister. She reached out and gripped the bedpost so tightly, her knuckles turned white. "But gods... We have to be nicer to mom and dad. Okay, Rann? We should have a family game night or something."

Rannveig was staring intently at the door, as if the answer to all of her questions were written on the back of it.  

"Yeah," Rannveig said, still staring. "Yeah, of course."

"I feel bad," Greta said. "Did you see the way mom looked? She seemed so sad."

"How did Utgard-Loki know everything?" Rannveig wondered, still staring at the doorway. 

Greta switched gears.

"I have no idea," she answered. "I doubt Utgard-Loki knows anything about our book club. Or whatever 'surprise party' we have been planning for our parents -- I don't even think that is true. But who told him the other information?"

While the girls discussed, I caught Hearthstone looking at me. I could feel that my face was still tear-stained. Heat rose to my face. 

Are you okay? he signed. 

Fine, I replied.

I swiped at my cheeks with the sleeve of my shirt. I turned away and pretended to listen to Rannveig and Greta talk, even though it was obvious that I was not part of the conversation. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Hearthstone was still watching me. 

Finally, I turned to look at him. 

His face was entirely pink, all the way up to the tips of his ears. I was confused. 

Are you okay? I asked him. 

Hearthstone nodded. He put his hands deep into his pockets. The bottom half of his face disappeared into his red-and-white striped scarf. 

The conversation between Greta and Rannveig was coming to a close. 

"It doesn't matter!" said Rannveig. "Whatever happened, happened. That's it. Let's get these two into the fountain before--"

Suddenly, the door opened. 

Rannveig, Greta, Hearthstone, me -- all of us froze.

Immediately, the visitor began to berate us.  

"You didn't even lock the door! After all that! And the smallings are in plain sight? Please tell me you are joking."

Rannveig's mouth dropped open.

Greta brought a hand to cover her mouth.

To everyone's shock and surprise, Adalbjorg stepped into the room.

Adalbjorg shut the door behind her, then locked it. She faced her sisters with her hands on her hips.

"Addie!" Rannveig said, flustered. Her eyes flashed to us and back again. "How did you--"

"You didn't even think!" Adalbjorg lectured. Her voice was sharp. "You didn't even contact the rest of the S.C.C. to help you! Greta, seriously? Rannveig? I mean, come on!"

The two older sisters were frozen solid.

"You know about the S.C.C.?" Greta whispered.

A look of surprise flashed across Adalbjorg's face. 

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