Chapter Thirty-Two: Nectar Drunk Dreams Feature Strange Chanting, a Bird

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For two days, I sat at Hearthstone's side. Brokkr and Fár floated in and out of the room. I only joined them for meals, where I would eat quickly before returning to my place beside Hearthstone. Brokkr and Fár were so kind. They kept trying to pull me into a conversation, but every time I spoke my mouth felt like it was full of sawdust.  

I wasn't sleeping. The bright lights of his makeshift tanning bed hurt my eyes. But that wasn't what kept me up -- it was the fear of the unknown. Part of me didn't want to know what would happen next. 

On the third day, Hearthstone began to stir. I could hardly believe my eyes the moment he opened his. I grinned at him before he rolled back over. He was out again, but I didn't care. He was on the mend. I knew he was going to be okay. 

But on that third day of sleep deprivation, I wasn't so sure if I was going to be okay. I was seeing things. The lightly falling snow outside wriggled and writhed, like maggots. Hearthstone glowed gold, then green, then gold again. My hands were having trouble grabbing things. I would stare at them intently, wondering if someone had turned them back into hooves when I wasn't looking. 

I was sipping on nectar to keep myself awake, but a fever started instead. At one point, I had drifted off to sleep. I didn't notice until Brokkr woke me up with a warm hand on my shoulder. 

"Blitzen," he said softly. "I am going to take you to the couch."

I groaned, feeling hot and headachy.

"What if he wakes up?" I asked. My eyes were still closed. My head pounded. 

"I'll get you right away," Brokkr promised. "Please. Come with me."

Too exhausted to argue, I let Brokkr lead me to the living room. I fell asleep the moment I hit the cushions. For a long time, my dreams were nonexistent. I slept peacefully in the dark. Then, voices began to speak. 

Four lines of dialogue were being chanted over and over again. I tried to hear, but everything was muddled and warbled. Like someone was speaking underwater. 


...Worlds' extenders...

...chaos costs... be paid...

I strained to hear the words, like trying to make out the lyrics of someone singing in another room.

As I listened, murky visions began to appear. A few images solidified a little way below my feet. Down, I looked. I could see three blurry figures. They were dressed in white. Their voices spoke as one. The chant was louder now, though still warbled and unclear. 

...from dark.... from light...

...Nine Worlds'...

...bind of chaos...

...paid by...

The strange recitation reverberated in my bones. I knew, somehow, that these words were the purest of truths. And there was something else. In my heart, I could tell these words were meant for me.

More of the dream came into view. Was I sitting high up in a tree? A canopy of green leaves arched overhead. I felt my seat, which I could now see was a large branch. I ran my hand along rough tree bark, wincing as I accidentally scratched my palm. Down below, at the base of the tree, a spring bubbled next to a little well.

Three figures stood along the grassy bank of the spring. All of them were dressed in white cloaks, their heads covered by hoods. Fog curled at their feet. They chanted and hummed their incantation. 

My concentration was broken by a movement to the right. A falcon landed alongside me. The bird cocked its head in my direction. Wait a second. Could birds give you a disapproving look? Was it eyeing me? I scowled.

"Mom?" I asked with a frown. 

The chanting immediately stopped. I looked down.  

All three figures were staring up at me. Their hoods had fallen away, revealing their faces. My heart stopped. Their skin was unnerving -- completely and utterly white, like freshly fallen snow. They had no pupils. Three blank white stares bore into my soul. I was frozen. 

Together, they spoke as one.

"The son of Freya has her eyes," they chanted. 

I awoke with a gasp. 

My entire body was drenched in sweat. I sat up, my heart beating double time. What had just happened? That was unlike any dream I had ever experienced. It felt real. I looked down at my hand, the one I had run along the tree bark in my dream. There was a little scratch on my palm. Could it be...? No. I must have scratched before I fell asleep. Right? My heart was ready to beat out of its chest. 

Before I even had time to react, Fár came into the room. She was beaming broadly. I was a sweating mess, but I couldn't help but give a small smile in return. 

"Oh good! You're awake," Fár said. 

"What's going on?" I asked, still a little shaky from the dream. 

Fár grinned.

"This will get you up," she said. "It's your elf friend. He is finally awake."

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