Chapter 2

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Julia Crawley

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Julia Crawley. The daughter of a doctor and a nurse. Her dad had unfortunately passed away a few years ago. Her brother Matthew was a lawyer and he loved it. Her mother never wanted Julia to think less of herself because she's a woman. Julia was planning to soon start study teaching. Julia was laying in bed with her lover Jack Jones. She loved him so much. She didn't care that he came from a poorer family.

Jack looked down at her and smiled. Which made Julia smile. "Why are you smiling at me" She said with her eyes closed. Jack smiles "Can you sit up" Julia opens her eyes and sits up. She looks at him "What is it" Jack smiles nervously "There is something i have wanted to ask you. I was gonna wait until tonight but.... then i saw you laying here in my bed i couldn't contain myself any longer." Jack looks down at her and takes her hand in his. Julia is shocked, she can't form any words. Jack smiles "Julia Rose Crawley. I love you. You mean everything to me. I don't wanna spend another day without you sooo... Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife" Julia gasps and smiles. "Yes." She whispers. Jack couldn't hear her "What?" Julia looks up and smiles "Yes!" She jumps into his arms and then pull away to give him a kiss. Jack sighes in relief. "I got you this too" Jack pulls up a ring and puts it on her finger. Julia looks at him "It's beautiful how did you afford this?" Jack Answers "With the money from work and a little saving" Julia looks at him "That money is important" Jack smiles and caresses her cheek "Nothing is as important as you" Julia smiles and brings him into a hug. She had never been this happy.

It's now September. At Downton they had now started wearing colorful clothes. For Margaret it was painful wearing clothes with color but she knows she can't mourn them forever. Margaret walked into Mary's room were all Crawley sisters were getting ready. Mary was standing by the mirror admiring herself. Margaret sit down on the bed "Do you know when they're arriving" Mary looks at her confused "Why do you care?" Margaret smiles "It's not just the duke that is coming, he's bringing his cousin. My dear friend Helena Astor." Mary smiles "Well that explains things" Cora comes into the room "Come on. They'll be back from the station at any moment" Margaret, Edith, Sybil and Mary walks out with Cora.

Helena Astor. The daughter of Henry Astor, the duke of Sutherland. She was on her way to Downton with her cousin Phillip, the duke of Crowborough. "Helena. Remember why your parents asked you to accompany me" Helena sighes "It was just a servant" He sighes "It was not just a servant. It was a maid" Helena is quiet for a moment before she starts to chuckle. He looks at her confused "What is it" Helena smiles "It's a little funny that my parents asked you to look after me. When we both know you like men far more than women" Phillip chuckles "True" Helena continues "Don't you know someone that works at downton, a footman?" Phillip sighes "Just, behave. I don't wanna see you flirting with another maid" Helena smiles "Got it"

They were now standing outside. Margaret Could almost not contain her excitment. The car were now driving to the grounds. When the car parked. They walked out. Helena walked out after Phillip. "Welcome to Downton" Robert tells them. Phillip smiles and Helena bows. "We're honored. Phillip turns to Helena "This is my cousin Lady Helena, daughter of the duke of Sutherland" Cora smiles "Of course" Cora turn to the girls "This is of course lady Mary, Lady Edith, Lady Sybil and their cousin Lady Margaret" Phillip walks up to Margaret "Lady Margaret. I heard about your father and brother, I'm sorry for your loss" Margaret smiles "Thank you" Phillip smiles at her which makes Helena sighes. They start walking inside when suddenly the new walet, Mr. Bates fall on the ground. Everyone looks shocked. But they keep walking.

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