Chapter 9

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December, 1912

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December, 1912

It was now time for dinner.  Julia, Jack, Matthew and Isobel have now also arrived.  

"I don't understand.  Why would she want to be a secretary?"  Violet asks about Gwen.  

"She wants a different life."  Matthew answers.  "But why?  I should far prefer to be a maid in a large and pleasant house.  Than work from dawn to dusk in a cramped and gloomy office.  Don't you agree Carson?" Violet asks.   Carson nods.  "I do, my lady."

Mary laughs, her focus on Mr.  Pamuk.  "Why are we talking about this?  Why does it matter?"

Cora sighes.  "It matters that the people that live and work here are content."

Helena smiles.  "Honestly, i think we should support Gwen in this."

Sybil nods.  "I agree with Helena."

Isobel smiles.  "Likewise. Surely, we must all encourage those less fortunate to improve their lot where they can."

Violet sighes.  "Not if it isn't in their best interests."

Isobel looks at her.  "Isn't the maid a better of judge of that than we are?"

Evelyn turns to Margaret and whispers.  "You look beautiful."

Margaret is taken back by his comment and just smiles.  "Thank you."

"What do you say Mr. Pamuk,  should our maid be kept enslaved or forced out into the world?"  Mary asks.  

He shakes his head.  "Why are you english so curious about other people's lives?  If she wishes to leave and the law permits it, then let her go."

"Perhaps the law should not permit it, for the common good."  Violet comments. 

Isobel sighes.  "So you hanker for the days of serdom?" Violet looks at her.  "I hanker for a simpler world, is that a crime?"  

"I, too dream of a simpler world, as long as we can keep our trains and our denistry."  Mr.  Pamuk answers.  

Julia smiles and takes a hold of Jack's hand.  "Well, me and Jack have some news."

Cora looks at her.  "What kind of news?"

Julia smiles.  "Well we have been asked before by some of you about the date of the wedding.  Well we have decided now for May 2."

Margaret smiles.  "Congratulations."   Julia smiles "Thank you."

Cora smiles "That sounds wonderful.  We all will be there."

"Why did you send Lynch back?"  Robert asks Mary.

She smiles.  "Me and Margaret had our champions left and right,it was enough."

"Did you enjoy the hunt today, Mr.  Napier?"  Robert asks.  He smiles "I really did."  Then he turns and looks at Margaret.  

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