Chapter 10

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MAY 27, 1913

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MAY 27, 1913

Today it was time for Julia and Jack's Wedding.  That it was daunting was an understatement. But she couldn't wait.  She was in her room getting ready with Evelyn, her ladysmaid.  "How are you feeling, my lady?"  Evelyn asks.  Julia sighes.  "I'm marrying the man of my dreams in two hours and i'm pregnant with his child.  It everything i have ever wanted but i can't help myself feeling nervous about it."   Evelyn smiles. "You will do great and Jack loves you."   Julia smiles. "I know he does."  Evelyn smiles and takes a step back. "You're hair is done now."   Julia looks in the mirror and smiles.  "It's beautiful."   Evelyn nods.  "Let's try your dress."  Julia smiles "I would love to."

After a few minutes, the dress is on.  Julia spuns around. "It's beautiful."  She turns to Evelyn and smiles. "It's  beautiul, thank you."   With that it's a knock at the door.  Evelyn opens the door.  "Is there a bride here?"  Matthew asks.   Julia smiles. "There is."   Seeing his sister in the dress makes him almost tear up.  "You're beautiful."   She smiles. "Thank you."    He wipes his eyes. "Are you ready? Everyone is at the church waiting."   She takes a deep breath.  "As ready as i can be."  He takes her hand and they walk downstairs.  When they are right by the door he stops.  

She looks at him confused.  "What are you doing?"  Matthew sighes. "Let me just look at you."  Julia smiles and nods.  Matthew looks at her and keeps smiling.  "I can't believe my little sister is getting married."   Julia smiles.  "Me neither but we can't be late, so let's go."   Matthew nods, takes her hand and they walk out to the door.   They get into the carriage which drives them off to the church.  

When they get to the church.  Matthew gets out first so he can help her out.  She smiles at him, she really has the best brother ever.   She takes his hand and they walk up to the entrance of the church.  Julia starts breathing heavily.  He looks at her. "Julia?"   She sighes. "I just really wished dad was here."    Matthew smiles.  "I know but you and i both know he's here."  Julia nods. "Thank you."    "Are you ready?"   Julia smiles and nods. "I am."   The church door opens and they walk in.    She sees everyone standing, friends and family.  In that moment she felt so loved.  

And at the altar she sees her soon to be husband, Jack with tears in his eyes.  She could feel the tears forming in her eyes.  She was so in love and she couldn't wait to become his wife. 

They get to the altar.  Matthew kisses his cheek and hands her to Jack.  Her and Jack take eachother's hands.    The priest starts his speech, Julia can't almost hear it, all her focus is on Jack, her beloved.  

"Now, it's for you declare your love for eachother and to God."   The priest tells them. 

Jack and Julia join hands.  Jack starts.  "I, Jack Arthur Jones take you,  Julia Isobel Crawley to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and honor you all the days of my life."  

Julia smiles and takes a deep breath.  "I, Julia Isobel Crawley take you, Jack Arthur Jones to be my lawfully wedded husband.  I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life."  

The priest.  "Now, the rings."   Jack takes out the rings.  He put Julia's ring on her finger.  She takes Jack's ring and put's it on his finger.   They hold hands.  

"In the sight of God and these witnesses, i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss."

Jack put his hands around her neck and kisses her.   Julia kisses him back happily.  They pull away and look towards their friends and family cheering.  Jack takes her hand and they run out the church.  They are met with more cheering.   Jack pulls her into another kiss.  He pulls away and whispers. "I love you."   She smiles. "I love you too."   This was the best day of her life.  

MAY 28, 1913

It's the day after the wedding.  Julia wakes up in her bed.  She looks to the other side of the bed and sees Jack's sleeping, she smiles.  She turn so she's closer to him.  She starts caressing his hair.  He start to open his eyes.  He smiles.  "You're staring."   She smiles. "I know."  Jack turns to look at her.  "Good morning."    She smiles.  "Good morning, husband."   With hearing that sentence, he kisses her.  

Margaret walks through the halls of the house.  Mary walk towards her. "Margaret did you hear.." But Margaret walks past her, without saying a word.  Mary sighes.  She's been avoding her ever since the night Mr. Pamuk died.  

Margaret walks down to  the fair that has come to the village.  She sees Matthew  by a stand.  She and Evelyn Napier have been courting for a few months now and it's been great.  But there is something she feels when she sees Matthew, something she thought she would never feel for him. I mean she hated him once but now... She's not sure what she feels anymore.  

She walks up to him.  "Matthew."  He turns and smiles.  "Lady Margaret, how are you?"  She smiles. "I'm well, you?"   Matthew nods. "Good."   "How's Julia? The wedding was beautiful."  He smiles. "She's good.  Very happy."    She nods. "I can see that.  Her and Jack make a fine couple."   Matthew nods.  "They do.  Do you wanna try this game with me?"    Margaret nods. "Sure."  She walks up closer to the stand.    "We will have two coconuts please?"  The man nods and gives them coconuts.  "So what do i do?"     Matthew nods. "Okay, you just throw the coconuts to hit the bottles."  Margaret  nods."Okay."   Matthew could see she was still feeling unsure.  He took her hand so she stands infront of him.  "Okay, you just loose yourself in your arms and relax."  He put his hand on her waist to keep her steady.   That makes Margaret get chill through her spine.  She turn her head and look into his eyes.  He smiles. "Keep your eyes on the target."  She smiles and nods.  She turn back her head towards the target.  She throws the coconut and hits perfectly.   She pulls away from Matthew.  "Thank you."  He nods. "You're welcome. I have to go but i'll see you around."  He walks off.   Margaret takes a deep breath and whispers. "See you around."   She sighes.   She knew in that moment that what she was feeling for Matthew, wasn't just a friendship and that's not good.  

Jack and Julia are Married!!! Margaret has relaised her feelings for Matthew!! I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts

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