Chapter 4

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Jack has now finally arrived and they are  on the way to Downton to have dinner with the Crawleys

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Jack has now finally arrived and they are  on the way to Downton to have dinner with the Crawleys.  Julia is holding Jack's hand the whole way to the Downton estate. Scared to how they will be treating him.  Jack looks at her and kisses her on the forehead "Everything is gonna be alright"  Julia puts her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes for a second.

 She then looks at her brother and sees him smiling at him.  She smiles at him back.  The carriage stops.  Her mother Isobel smiles "We're here"  Julia sits up and takes a deep breath.  

They walk out of the carriage.  Jac2k takes her hand.  They walk inside and only a few moments of being inside.  A very dashing Man comes to meet them, Julia suspect he's lord Grantham.    

He turns to Isobel "It's a pleasure to meet you at last Mrs Crawley"  Isobel shakes her head "We're delighted to be here, aren't we Matthew and Julia"  Matthew just smiles but Julia does more than that. "It's wonderful, thank you"  Robert smiles "You must be Julia Crawley"  She smiles "That's me, Matthew's Sister"  

He smiles but then looks at Jack confused.  "I'm sorry. I didn't hear about a third sibling"  Julia starts laughing, Robert looks at her confused.  She then stops "I'm sorry. No um this is Jack Jones. He's my fiance. We're engaged" Robert looks at her stunned but then quickly composes himself and let out his hand for Jack to shake.  "Good to meet you Mr Jones"  Jack Smiles and shakes his head "It's an honor Lord Grantham"  

Robert shows them to follow him and there Julia can see the rest of the Crawley family.  Cora, Countess Grantham smiles at them "Welcome to Downton" Isobel smiles "Thank you. You've been so kind"  

"What a reception committee" Matthew says which makes everyone stare at him.  Julia wants to slap him but her mother cuts in before she can do so.   "Yes, thank you"  Robert turns to a man standing beside him.  "This is Carson, we'd all be lost without him"  

Robert smiles "Mama, may present Matthew Crawley, Julia Crawley, Jack Jones and Mrs Crawley. My mother Lady Grantham" Isobel walks up to  Violet, Lady Grantham."What should we calleachother" Lady Grantham just looks at her "Well, we could always start Lady Grantham and Mrs Crawley" Julia can see that her mother wasn't ready for that.  

But thank god Cora steps in and takes Isobel's arm "Let's go to the drawing room and we can make all the proper introductions,  They all start walking in. 

They were now sitting by the table. Julia is  sitting between Matthew and Edith.  Jack is between Mary and Isobel.   Margaret is between Robert and Violet,  Helena is between Cora and Sybil.  Isobel turns to Robert "I'm sorry i thought you only had three daughters"  Robert smiles "Yes forgive me"  He first turns to Helena "This is Helena Astor, The daughter of Henry Astor, the duke of Sutherland, a very goof friend of the family" Helena nods and Isobel who smiles and nods back.  He turns to Margaret "And this is Margaret Crawley, Her father James and Brother Patrick was the heirs."  Isobel looks at Margaret with pity and sorrow.  "I'm so sorry for your loss"  Margaret smiles at Isobel "Thank you"  But she turns to look at Matthew, with just hate.  

Robert turns to look at Isobel "Do you think you'll enjoy the village life?  It'll be very quiet after life in the city"  "Even Manchester" Violet cuts in. Margaret has to hold in her laugh. But she then looks up at Matthew who is sitting right infront of her and she just stares at him, if looks could kill.  Julia sees that.  

Isobel smiles "I'm sure i'll find something to keep me busy"  Cora looks at her "You might like the hospital"  Isobel is interested "What kind of hospital is it? How many beds?"  Violet smiles "Well it's not really a hospital" Robert turns to his mother "Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you" Margaret chuckles hearing that.  He think it's second only to St. Thomas"  Cora smiles "It's a college hospital, of course, but quite well equipped"   Isobel smiles "Who pays for it?"  Violet sighes "Oh good let's talk about  money"  Robin looks at Isobel "My father gave the building and an edowment to run it, in a way he set up his own memorial.  Isobel smiles "But how splendid"  Robert nods "And Mr Lloyd George's new insurance measures will help"  Violet looks at her son "Please don't speak that man's name. We're about to eat" 

Thomas, one of the footmen walks up to Matthew with a plate.  "I will hold it steady and you can help yourself, sir"  Matthew looks at the man with an annoyed look "Yes, I know.  Thank you"   Mary sees that and smiles "You'll soon get used to the way things are done here"  Matthew looks at her "If you mean i'm accustomed to a very different life from this,  then that's true" Margaret chuckles "Clearly"  Helena knows what her friend is doing and sighes.   Sybil turns to look at Matthew "What will you do with your time" Matthew looks at her "I've got a job in Ripton and i've said i'll start tomorrow"  Robert looks at him shocked "A job?"  Matthew just looks at him "I a partnership, you might have heard of it.  Harvell and Carter. They need someone who understands industrial law, i'm glad to say"  Julia sighes, He could thought of a better time.  Robin is stunned "You do know i mean to involve you in the running of the estate"  Matthew smiles "Oh don't you worry.  There are plenty hours of the day. And of course i'll have the weekend"  Margaret rolls her eyes.  Robert sighes "We'll discuss this later, we musn't bore the ladies"  Violet is confused "What is a weekend" Julia sighes. 

Everyone start walking from the dining room.  Margaret turns to Matthew. "Matthew?"  He looks at her "Yes?" Margaret sighes "Don't think you're accepted because you're not. You will never be the true heir"  Margaret smirks and walks out.  

Helena walks away from the other ladies when she bumps into someone and sees it's the same maid.  Helena smiles "Gwen?" Gwen smiles "Lady Helena"  Helena smiles "We meet again" Gwen chuckles "We do"Helena takes Gwen's hand "Come to my room tonight, i need to speak with you"  Gwen nods "Okay?" 

Some hour later.  Helena was in her room, in more relaxed clothes when the door opens and Gwen comes in.  Helena eyes light up.  Gwen walks up to Helena "Why did you wanna see me?"  Helena sighes and takes Gwen's hands in her own.  "I wanna get to know you. I feel myself being drawn to you"  Gwen smiles "I would love to get to know you.  But i have work to do"  Helena sighes "That's why i want you to be my lady's maid"  Gwen looks at her shocked "Really?"  Helena smiles and nods "Yes and i have talked to Mrs Hughes and Anna.  Everything is set. You can do your job and we can get to know eachother at the same time"  Gwen smiles "I would love to" Helena smiles "Great. I will see you in the morning"  Gwen nods and walks out.  Helena sighes in relief.  

Julia was laying in bed with Jack on her side.  She couldn't sleep.  She didn't understand why Margaret was so cruel towards her brother, she didn't get it but she would find out why. 

Margaret doesn't like Matthew.  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts. 

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