Chapter 12

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May 28, 1913

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May 28, 1913

Margaret were getting ready for the dinner tonight,  She was in Edith's chambers with her and Sybil as Anna was helping them all four.   Helena was in her chambers getting help by Gwen, the handmaiden.    "Anna, could you please feel on my hair when you're done with Edith's?"  Margaret asks.   Anna smiles.  "Of course, my lady."     When Edith is done, her and Margaret switches places.   Mary walks in and Margaret sighes.  Her and Mary are still estranged.  

"Are you done.  Helena is already downstairs."  Mary tells them.    Margaret sighes.  "We will be down soon."    Sybil sighes as she feels at her waist.  "I don't know why we bother with corsets.  Men don't wear them and they look totally normal in their clothes"  

Mary looks at her younger sister.  "Not all of them."   Edith smirks.  "She's just showing off.  She'll be about the vote in a minute."     "If you mean i do think women should have the vote, of course i do."  Sybil answers.     "I hope you won't chain yourself to the railings and end up being force-fed semolina."  Edith tells her sister.    "What do you think Anna?"  Mary asks.  "I think those women are very brave."   Margaret turn and smile at Sybil who smile at her.   Anna is now finished with Margaret's hair.  "There."   Margaret smiles and stands up.  "Shall we go?"   They all nod and they walk out the room towards the drawing room.  

In the drawing room Margaret sits between Robert and Edith.  Helena sits next to Cora.   "How did you get with your dressmaker, find anything?"  Robert asks his youngest daughter.   Sybil smiles at her father.  "I did.  She says she can have it done by friday."     He smiles.  "I'm sorry i couldn't come but i wouldn't want to put Matthew off."   Sybil smiles and nods.   

Robert turns his attention to Helena.  "Helena, today i got a letter from your father."    Helena almost spill her cup of tea.  "You did?"  He nods.  "He and your mother are coming to visit in two months time."    She nods.  "That's...  lovely."   Helena can feel the tears forming in her eyes.  "If you would excuse me."   Robert nods as Helena walks out.   Margaret looks at her best friend with sympathy.    She turns to Robert.  "Cousin Robert, could i be excused? I just wanna make sure she's alright."  Robert nods.  "Of course."   Margaret smiles and stands up.   She walks out and find Helena running up the stairs, she sighes.  

She walks up the stairs.  She walks towards Helena's room.  She can hear Helena breathing heavily.  "Helena? It's Margaret."    "Come in."  She hears Helena answer.  Margaret opens the door and when she walks into the room she sees Helena sitting at the floor shaking.  She closes the door.  

She sits down by her best friend and holds her tightly.  Helena just sobs.  "I'm not ready to see them.  He didn't even care to send me a letter."    Margaret sighes and just hold her.  "just breathe Helena."  She sighes and pulls away from Margaret arms.  She stands up.  "Do you know why i'm so terrified."  Margaret stands up.  "Why?"   Helena takes a deep breath.  "I feel like it will be the last time i see my parents.  It feels like a goodbye."    Margaret looks at her with pity.  "Why would you think that?"   Helena chuckles.  "Because i know my father.  He will not want me back home and he would not want to see me until i'm married.  He cares more about reputation than love."   

Margaret sighes and takes a step closer to Helena and take a hold of her hands.  "Even if taht's true, you have me.  You have William, your brother.   Your cousin Phillip.  All people who truly love you, we're her for you."   Helena looks at her friend with tears in her eyes.   "You promise."  Margaret smiles and pulls her into a hug.  "I promise." 

May 29, 1913

It's the next morning.  Helena opens the door and sees Gwen, she instantly smiles but she can see that Gwen is not happy.  "Come in."  Gwen nods and walks in.  Helena walks up to her and take a hold of her hands.  "What's wrong?  Has something happened?" 

Gwen sighes.  "I'm not going to the interview."  Helena looks at her shocked and confused.  "Why?"  "They have found someone better for the job, someone more suitable."  Helena sighes.  "I'm sorry but it's not the end of this."   Gwen shakes her head.  "Let's face it. There isn't anyone less suitable or qualified than me."    Helena shakes her head.  "That isn't true.  Sit down."  

Gwen sighes and sit down the bed, Helena sit next to her.    "We're not giving up.  You're gonna get your dream job.  I know it."  Gwen looks at her.   "Why do you want this so much for me?" 

Helena smiles. "Well first of all, i really like you.  But second of all i want you to have the best of what the world has to offer.  I want you to be happy and not just with me but with your life."  

Gwen smiles and kisses her quickly. "I really like you too."  Helena smiles.  "I have to go downstairs.  But i will see you later, okay?"  Gwen nods.  Helena stands up and walks towards the door and walks out.  

Helena are in the drawing room with with everyone, even Matthew and Julia is present.  The only person who isn't present is Sybil.  

The door opens and everyone is very suprised to see what the youngest Crawley daughter is wearing, blue harem pants.  Margaret is shocked but smiles at her cousin.   Julia has her hand on her belly smiling.   Helena smiles aswell.  

July 30, 1913

Julia and Jack is about to go to bed.  Julia is going towards the end of the pregnancy.  She has just gotten on her sleepy-wear when she suddenly feels a sharp pain in her stomach.  Jack turn around quickly hearing his wife in pain.  "Are you alright?"  Julia is just about to answer when she feel something drip from her legs and the pain comes stronger and stronger.  She looks up at her husband.  "The baby, it's coming."   Jack looks at her shocked.  She grunts.  "Get my mother, i need to go to the hospital."  Jack runs out to her mother's room.    After a few seconds,  Jack comes back with her mother and brother.  Isobel takes her daughter's arm to go downstairs.  Towards the hospital.  

Helena's parents is coming to vist!  Julia is in labour.  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts

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