Chapter 1

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Margaret wakes up for the day

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Margaret wakes up for the day.  Anna, the lady's maid helps her get ready.  Margaret sees something is troubling her "Anna what's the matter?"  Anne sighes "The titanic has sinked"  Margaret gasps "No it can't be"  Anne nods "Yes m'lady"  Margaret starts tearing up.  Anne takes a hold of Margaret's hand "My lady what's the matter?"  She takes a deep breath "Patrick and father was on it"  

Margaret walks down for breakfast with her uncle and cousins.  She sees Mary, Edith and her uncle Robert is already in the dining room.   "Good morning uncle"  Robert smiles "Good morning"  She sighes "Have you heard anything news of Patrick and Father?"  Robert looks at her confused "What do you mean?"  But before she can say anything, Sybil walks in.   "Good morning papa"  Robert smiles "Good morning,  what's that?"   "Just arrived, a telegram."  Robert opens it and the moment he starts reading it, his face totally changes and Margaret is fearing the worst.  Robert looks at her for a second before storming out.  Mary turns to look at Margaret "Do you know anything"  Margaret shakes her head.  

Robert walks up to Cora's room and meets her lady's maid Sarah O'brien just outside her room.  "Is her ladyship awake?"  O'brien nods "Yes, my lord. I'm just going to take in her breakfast"  Robert nods "Thank you"  Robert knocks at her door.  "Hello?" You hear Cora asking from inside the room.  "Can i come in?" Robert opens the door and walks in.   

Cora is sitting in bed reading the news.  "Isn't this terrible?  When you think how exicted Lucy Rothes was at the prospect. It's too awful for any words"  Robert still hasn't said anything.  Cora looks up from the paper "Did J.J Astor get off?  Of course that new wife of his must have been bound to be rescued."   Robert takes a deep breath "I've had a telegram from George Murray, one of his partners are in New York"  Cora puts down the news paper "Yes?"  Robert sighes  "It seems James and Patrick were on board"  Cora is shocked "What? They couldn't have been, they weren't going over until may" Robert sighes "Then they changed their plans. They're definitely on the passenger list"  O'brien comes in with Cora's breakfast "Thank you O'brien that will be all" Cora shakes her head "But surely they were picked up?"  Robert sighes "Doesn't look like it"  Cora gasps "What? Neither of them? Does Margaret know?"  Robert sighes "I think she knew they were on because she asked me at breakfast if i had heard any news of them, i was confused but then the telegram came and i  went straight here"  Robert takes a deep breath "How do i tell her that her father and brother are dead?"  Cora sighes "You must tell her and Mary. They can't hear about  it from anyone else"  

Margaret is sitting in the study, when Robert comes in.  "Uncle"  Robert smiles "We need to talk" Margaret nods, she's so scared.  They sit down on the sofa.   Margaret takes a deep breath "Just tell me, are they dead?"  Robert takes a deep breath "Yes"  Margaret starts to cry uncontrollably.  "No!!" Robert brings her into a hug "I'm so sorry my dear" "I can't believe they're gone"  Robert kisses her on the head "Me neither my dear"  Margaret pulls away  "But what i'm gonna do?" Robert looks at her confused "What do you mean"  Margaret sniffles "You know with my mother being dead and now my father and brother, where am i supposed to go?" Robert smiles "You don't need to go anywhere. This is your home we're family"  They hug.  

Margaret walks up to Edith's room.  She knows how hard Patrick's death must be for her.  She knocks at the door "Come in" Edith shouts and Margaret opens the door and walks in.  She sees Edith has been crying, she sits on the bed.  "How are you feeling?"  Edith takes a deep breath "I just really misses him"  Margaret smiles "Me too" Edith looks at her ashamed "God Margaret i am so sorry.  I have not asked you how this is for you. I mean you have lost  your father and brother"  

Margaret take a deep breath and starts tearing up "Honestly. I feel like my world is falling apart"  She sighes "I mean they were my world.  Patrick wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend.   Whenever i had problems or needed to talk with someone, he was there. But now he is gone.  My father could  piss me off at times but he was my dad.  It's been three years since my mom died but for a few years he was the only parent i had left and now he's gone.  I'm brotherless and an orphan and i don't know what to do"  Edith looks at her with pity.  Margaret shakes her head "And  now a man who i have never met is gonna become heir instead of them and i can't accept that"  Edith smiles "I know"  

They were now outside the church, Just had a mermorial for Patrick and James.  Margaret feel she is gonna fall down any time so Mary is holding her up.  They are walking back to Downton.  Edith is crying.  Mary sighes "Really Edith, do you have to put on such exhibition?"  Margaret shakes her head.  Sybil looks at Mary in disbelief "She's not"  Mary shakes her head "I was supposed to be engaged to him, not you"  Margaret can't take it anymore "Stop! I have lost my brother and father and you act this way.  Mary you might have been engaged to him but we all know that Edith care about him more than you ever could so just stop" Mary nods and they stop.

They now arrived back to downton.  Margaret releases herself from Mary's arm and walks up to Cora.  "Aunt Cora would it be okay if i go  up and rest, i feel exhausted."  Cora smiles "Of course my dear, i can't imagine what a hard day this must be for you, shall i tell one of the maids bring up the dinner to your room" Margaret smiles "I would appreacite that" Cora smiles "Very well then, go up"  Margaret smiles and bows.  Margaret is finally up in her room and the moment the door closes and she falls down to her knees and starts sobbing.  

the first chapter!! Margaret deserves sm better :(  julia and jack  will come in soon . I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts. 

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