Chapter 7

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Tris POV

I still love Tobias it has been three months. I've been dating Matthew. We haven't been having sex together. I don't really want to have sex with anyome but Tobias.

Matthew is a great person but after three months there should be more feelings between us. Everyone has seen the video. We watch david a lot. I don't leave so I can't be found. Tobias comes by once a month and apologizes. I don't know if I can take it any longer. I miss him so much.
I have to tell Matthew he knows something has been on my mind. I don't think he will be mad. I worry bc I know it is selfish of me to tell him. But I only have three weeks left before we attack David and his clan. I don't want to hurt Matthew he has been so sweet to me but my dreams or memories are getting harder to hide. I miss Tobias sleeping next to me.
The door opens and I see Matthew walk in he places a kiss on my lips. I ask him if we can talk. He says of course. We sit at the table and begin to talk. This is going to be hard.
"I have a surprise for u can I give it to u first?" Matthew ask. I shake my head no and a few tears fall I wipe them off. "Matthew" I begin "I am sorry." I only make a few words out and the tears start again. He comes over to me and kisses me on the forhead. "You know you can tell me anything. Right?" I nod .I try to make the words come out. This time they do but I don't know if I wanted them to. I know it will hurt.
"Matthew I'm so sorry I should have told you. " his smile drops I feel horrible. "I don't feel the same feelings for you as you do for me.I do like you but I'm sure I don't love you. I'm so sorry. I thought maybe it was my mind trying to trick me. I don't think anymore. I can't be in love with you when I'm still in love with Four."
When I finish I expect him to say something but he doesn't. He doesn't have to for me to know I hurt him. Then he does something that makes me feel worse he hugs me and puts something around my neck. A locket it has a picture of my parents. They're really young in it.they must have still been in different factions because my mother is wearing black and my father is in blue. I love the present but it just hurts worse. Then Matthew speaks.
"You know I love you. Everything about you but it wouldn't be kind of me to keep you if your heart belongs to him. I'll take u to his house tonight. If you want? I don't really want to but if it makes u happy then I will." I shake my head yes and his hand is on my cheek brushing the tears off. He is so sweet. I feel so bad for him. I do care but I don't think I will ever love him. He kisses me one time before we sit down and eat dinner. " I will miss this too. U are amazing cook. He better treat u good." I can't help but smile at his comment he cares no matter what. He finishes dinner and cleans the table. I go pack up my few pairs of clothes. I call Chris and tell her that I told Matthew. I hang up and Matthew is checking the laptop. He says that everyone is there so it is clear to leave. Right before we get to Tobias door I stop and give Matthew a hug. He whisper in my ear. "U can always come home. I'll miss you Tris." He gives me a kiss on the forehead. And I tell him goodbye that I'll see him soon. I go to knock on the door. Here goes nothing.

Tobias POV

I still love Tris it has been three months. She is with Matthew I really don't blame her nobody believes me that I was lying to David. I was though if I could just get Tris to believe me. If she would just come back to me I don't eat much and I don't sleep to often. The bed is just cold with out her. I have dark circles under my eyes. I didn't sleep last night bc everytime I close my eyes memories come back. Her smile her laugh those eyes of her. I guess I should try to go get some sleep. I get off my couch to shut off the light as I reach for the switch I hear what sounds like a faint knock. I gueas I'll go check.

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