chapter 15

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Tobias POV

I walk out leaving Tris on the bed. It almost time for the last battle. I will be glad to get this over with. I am going to grab some food then head to the train to wait for everyone. I am happy that Tris told me to stay but I can't. It must have taken all her energy because she seemed even less alive after saying one word.

I sit down at the table with a plate of spaghetti. Matthew comes and has a plate full of the same with some bread. He looks at me when he speaks. "We need to give u the serem before. So we can see if it will work." I nod Caleb comes in with some green serem in a needle. He sticks it in my neck. I actually feel better. I walk over to the sink and wash my plate. Then I head to the train.

When I get to the train it must be late no lights nothing. I run and jump on with ease. I sit against the walk and think about my time with Tris.  I will make it back for her because I am determined.

As we get closer to the destination I grab a near by gun. I will try to get it out of david where the serem is to fix this problem.  I will have to coner him.I really wonder how they found out about the plan to attack in two weeks.  I guess it doesn't matter we will end it now. Tris will never go back. Matthew has disabled their security systems . This way we don't have to worry about the locks.

We all jump off there is thirty of us. We willwalk the rest of the way. It is about a ten minute walk from here. I look at all our people. I notice one person is missing, Cara. Maybe she is at Matthew's. Ten of us are wearing mask just in case they have released  something in the air.

We get there and the doors are wide open. Odd. I wonder why they are open? Something feels off. I stop everyone about ten feet back and have everyone hide.

Ten minutes go by and I see something I thought I never would. Cara and Caleb come out the door. David is right behind them. I get up and tell the group that they need to attack. They already know about Will so they know to make sure anyone that isnt armed to bring them to safety.  I run after David as they go in the lab.

I hear gun fire in the distance.  I walk up and see Caleb on the ground a bullet wound in his shoulder.
"What are u doing here?" I snap at him.
" I was trying to warn u Cara and David are together on this plan. She has the serem to fix u. They want to make more divergents. They were using Tris to make it happen.I tried to shot David but Cara shot me" he says.

I make quick by tying a piece of his shirt around his wound. I run to Matthew's with Caleb behind me. They are going to get Tris.  I get there and the door is open. Matthew is beat with a bullet wound in his left leg. I leave him for Caleb to tend to him.

I hear voices in a room I wish I hadn't.  Tris oh no. I listen carefully they can't seem to find her. I walk in gun in hand.

Tris POV

I woke about ten minutes ago. I felt alive  and better when I went to move my arm I could. Matthew was in the other room screaming. I remember earlier Caleb coming in and sticking a needle in me.  Whatever was in It made me throw up.

I hear people talking in the other room. Then I hear Matthew yell "no I won't tell u where she is."  I hid under the bed with a gun that was on the table next to me. I hear a shot. Then Matthew screams. I am worried for him but even more for me. I hear loud bangs from doors.

Then the door to my room opens. Cara and David walk in and search for me. I would guess Cara is with David the way her hand is in his. At that moment I think of Tobias I miss him. Then I hear that voice that makes me shiver. David.

"She couldn't have gotten far." David says slowly.  Then I hear something I wish I hadn't.  "Well we can just wait until her boyfriend comes for her. He won't live unless we give him the antidote to the serem" Cara says. "I know im so proud of u Cara. U made that serem great. Only one antidote will attacully  help or he will be dead by Monday. That gives him less then a week. " David says in approving way.  I can't believe Cara.

I hear footsteps enter the room then a gun goes off. I hear another two gun shots I see  David, Cara and Tobias fall.  Oh god please don't let him be dead. Cara needs to be alive to fix Tobias.

I get out  from under the bed. I walk quickly over to Tobias. "Tobias are u ok?" I ask quickly no answer. I can't find a bullet hole anywhere.  Then I see a needle in his neck with the same stuff as they put me into a coma with.

I run over to Cara and David.  David is dead but Cara is still breathing.  Thank god! I look at her wound she won't last long. Her eyes are open I see her starting at me. " where is it where is the antidote? " I yell." Your to late it was in the lab which will exploed before u get there." She says chuckling. "By the way thanks for not killing my really brother. He is a useless experiment.  He didn't even fight u that experiment would never worked. Have a horrible life." With that she takes her last breath.

I run into the living room.  Matthew is on the couch. I tell him we need to stop the explosion.  He agrees we try but it isn't working. There is no way I can make it there in ten minutes.  He taps into the pa and tells our team about it. To find one of every serem and get out. Also to release all the prisoners.  As they leave I see a faces I know to well. One that looks like mine. There is no way that is possible.  She can't be alive. Before I get to think anymore the explosion happens and we lose the camera feed.

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