1. Boba

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"So that is why the tea is bland yet still so spicy, you know?" I look over at an excited tea queen. I sip my boba again and was about to say something when.

A body crashes into me, "I'm so sorry." They say and they continue running. My boba had spilled all over my sweater. "Why am I not surprised that that was the third time this week?"

Mina half spits out her drink, spraying it onto the ground. She has tears from laughing so hard. Meanwhile I am making a peculiar face while trying to get the drink off of my jumper, which she thinks is absolutely hilarious.

I help her up and we continue our walk back to UA, Tsu joins us on our walk as we are about to cross a corner.

"Hi Ochako, hi Mina!" Tsu says cheerfully, waving us down.

"Good morning Tsu!" Mina says, sharing the same cheerfulness energy, I don't know how those two are that energetic this early in the morning.

~Time skip cuz I'm lazy AF~

Sitting on my bed reading through Wattpad, that is my thrilling afternoon activity that I do every time I get a break. I'm reading this book and it says:

His sweater looked comfy and I almost reached out to feels how warm it was, but I restrained myself, my hand hovering near his sleeve.

Which reminded me that my favorite sweater is still soaked in bubble tea. 

I stand up with a groan getting out of my comfy position (after much debate), and grabbed my sweater from the chair I had carelessly chucked it onto.

I opened the door to find Mina standing there in the doorway with her hand poised to knock. "Oh, hi Ochako! I was just wondering if you would like to join me and some of class 1A in a card game." She says, pointing her thumb to the others sitting around the coffee table.

"Sorry Mina but I have some laundry to do, I might join the second round though! What card game is it?" I ask.

"Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, It's were you say those words in order with a stack of cards and if the card matches the word then you have to snap it, the last person to snap it has to collect the pile." Mina replies.

~ Hopefully that made sense, I'm not good at explaining games :| ~

"Ill join after I pop this in the wash washing machine ok?" I say, smiling at her. 

I walk over to the laundry and stuff my sweater into the machine. I notice a pile of dirty clothes on the side and think might as well do everything, so I stuff them inside there too.

~ Word count= 450 ~

Caramel Sweater | TogachakoWhere stories live. Discover now