7. Winter coat

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With tears in my eyes, I run as fast as I can away from her.

"Toga! Wait!" She called out and I turned around "let me explain!" She said with her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

"I knew I never should have trusted a hero!" I say, running away again and blocking out all the noise in my ears. I look back to see Ochako collapsed on the floor.

I run face first into a hard chest, and the world started spinning and my legs gave way.

"Woah woah, easy now." I fell the person catch me, their words sounding like their underwater. I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up in the hospital bed to see someone holding my hand, "Bakugou?" I ask, my voice croaky and horse. "Calm down honey, it's me." Oh, it's Ochako.

"You backstabbing idiot, you know, I would have even preferred if it was all might at my side right now!" Seeing her cringe at my words sent a shiver of pride and adrenaline down my spine.

"You don't even know the full story-" she starts to say but I cut her off.

"I saw it with my own two eyes, I thought-"Tears gathered in my eyes, "I thought you loved me."

"I do love yo-" I turn my head away. "You're just like every other hero, you never actually care about the people, you just want to look good, that's all you care abou-" Now it was her turn to cut me off.

"What I care about most is you." She says, turning my head to face her. "You are all I care about Toga, you are the best thing that ever happened to me-"

I kiss her, closing my eyes. Every thing was drowned out, like we were the only people in the world. A world where there were no stereo types, where we could be whoever we wanted to be.

I pull away and she squeezed my hand, I hadn't noticed I was still holding it. She opened her eyes.

"What happened back there in the alley way?" I ask, realizing I never asked. "Mineta happened." I cringe at the name. "His quirk it sticky balls so he stuck us both together and put one on my cheek so that our faces were stuck together."

I look at her in confusion, "I didn't see one on your cheek?" "It was the other one, I've still got a purple stain from it." She turns to face the other way so I can study the sin stain.

Well, I think you should get back to sleep" she said with a stern look on her face. There is no way I'm getting out of this one, so I sighed and closed my eyes.

~Ochako POV~

Phew, I'm so glad that she isn't mad at me, I mean, it's not like it was my fault in the first place. I put my shoes on and took myself out into the living room where Mina and Tsu were chatting on the couch.

"Do you guys wanna go for a walk?" They nod and grab their shoes and put some coats on. And as soon as we stepped outside, I immediately regret not bringing my coat as well.

I was pretty sure that I was going to freeze my cheeks off. "Wait, wont Tsu go into hibernation?" I say. Mina froze mid-step.

"Right." She said, she did a 180 and dragged me and Tsu back where we came from.

But when we got there, the door was... Gone

~Word count= 576~

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