5. Knock knock

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I squint my eyes and... "I like you!" I blurt out, my shoulders rising to my cheeks. All of a sudden my shoes become very interesting as I wait for an answer.

She smiles softly and tilts her head, a slight blush on her face. "I like you too Ochako." She says with less enthusiasm that she normally does, although it does feel like it has more meaning.

I release my shoulders and uncurl my hands that now have scars from my nails digging into my palms so hard.

She pats the bit on the bed next to her, motioning for me to come sit next to her. as soon as my but hits the mattress, she hugs me tight. I'm caught by surprise but I hug her back.

She pulls away and asks "Ochako, may I kiss you?" I nod my head and she leans in to kiss me when Dabi bursts through the door, pulls Toga out of the room, slams the door, and stomps off.

Wow, I think in amazement as I sit alone in the room. Maybe I should go back to UA, they are probably worried sick! I sit up and go over to the couch in the living room I carelessly dumped my stuff onto, and grab my things, I am about to head out the door when Toga grabs my hand.

"Can I come too?" "I'm not sure, they will probably try to kill you as soon as they see you." I say, worried about her safety.

"Oh come on~" she says, a sly smile creeping across her face. "Fine." I say giving into her puppy eyes. she squeals a claps her hands.

We head out the door and as we are walking, I realize how bad of an idea this is, but its too late, we are already at the entrance.

Tsu and Mina are waiting for me outside the gate, they see Toga and look confused, but not scared.

"I know you are confused but, this is Toga, and she wants to stay here for a while." I say, and they smile. "Hi Toga, I'm glad you had a change of heart! I'm mina, and this is Tsu." Tsu waves and Mina continues. "I hope you enjoy staying here."

Mina smiles and I let go a breath of relief I didn't even realize I was holding, I notice Toga do the same. We all walk together into the entrance and walk through the hallway.

Toga looks nervous, especially because there are a lot of people staring at her. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath in and continues walking. 

I hold her hand and stand tall, trying to look brave for Toga's sake, although I wasn't feeling so brave myself.

We make it to the classroom and I tell Mr Aizawa that Toga wants to join UA or at least stay for a bit. He said yes to her staying here but no to here taking any classes. I take her back to my dorm.

"Wow! Your room is so cool Babe!" I blush at what she called me, we settle into bed and fall asleep, her arms wrapped around my waist.

A few days pass, Me having normal lessons and Toga doing who knows what while I'm gone just to go back to sleep together in the same position. I've noticed the whole time that one of my classmates have been missing. hmm, weird.

Its the morning and me and Toga re still in bed when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell

"What are you doing here?" He says looking disgustingly at Toga, then he looks at me "And why are you hugging that demon villian discusting discrace of a person?" Its Kirishima.

~BTW I love Kirishima, but he was the only one I feel like would take a huge hit from Bakugou leaving~

~Word count= 635~

Caramel Sweater | TogachakoWhere stories live. Discover now