3. Blurry eyed

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She runs up to me and... Hugs me.

I wrap my arms enthusiastically around her back, returning the hug. She looks at me and I smile and tilt my head as she says "Hi... Toga."

That is when my body chooses this perfect time to faint.

~time skip (lol)~

My eyes are still blurry no matter how hard I rub them. What was that trick Dabi showed me again? The one with the cotton pads and the ice? oh well, maybe there is some water in here I can splash my eyes with.

I  look around the room, my vision still blurry, to find a rosy cheeked bruntte sitting beside my bed. It is only then I notice that it is Ochako is sitting next to me.

She holds out a glass of water. "I thought you might want some water." She passes it to me and I sit up.

I take a few sips, then, when it is almost empty I stick my hand in and rub some of the water onto my eye. Finally being able to see clearly, I look over at the girl who is now looking at me with a peculiar face.

"What?" I ask, confused. She shakes her head. "Nothing." There is an awkward silence between us until Bakugou storms in. 

"Toga, are you alright? What happened? Are you ok? Did someone hurt you? Did she hurt you? Are you ok?" 

I continuously get bombarded with questions about what happened until Ochako says. "She needs some rest so she can get better." 

I smile at her with gratitude and my eyes drop, as I suddenly feel the exhaustion from the last few hours. That is when it came to me, I didn't even know what had even happened? "What even happened?" I ask Ururaka, not bothering to lit my head from the comfortable pillow. 

"Wait... you don't remember?" I do a somewhat resemblance of a shake of my head. She continues.

"Well, Denki came in, saw you, ran to get Mr Aizawa, then Mr Aizawa helped us escape by making a distraction, then we had to run all the way back to the base because Kurogiri was asleep so he couldn't make a portal, and I couldn't float anyone because I had used all my power when helping us escape." She continued speaking about what happened but I couldn't hear the rest because my eyelids had fluttered to a close.

During my dream though, I still couldn't figure out how I had forgotten that, I thought I was passed out the whole time? Oh well, I better just sleep, hopefully I'll be better by morning.

~Hi! Sorry this chapter is a bit late, its week four of school for me and I already have 6 assignments! I will try and write as often as I can but some chapters might come out later than others. Anyway, have a lovely day/night!~

~Word count= 476~

Caramel Sweater | TogachakoWhere stories live. Discover now