4. Staring contest

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I wake up, yet again, back in my room, I look over to my chair to find a stack of journals and notebooks sitting still next to my backpack.

Pain shocked through me as I stood up, Ochako had talked about me getting thrown against the wall in some bit of her fast explanation, so I can understand why it hurts so bad.

I make my way over to the chair and pick up the first book. Flicking through I find a sticky note on the back of the book that says 'I want you to look through this to find information, If you have time then sort the information into pro hero's and students - Deku.' 

I smile at his cute note, until I realize there is an even bigger pile behind the chair. Staring at my impending doom, I sit down, sigh, and pick up the next book.

~Time skip~

I find Ochako sitting on the couch, she finds me staring at her and smiles. 

I sit beside her and ask "what are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, um, I needed to tell you something." She says nervously. "Ok.." I say motioning for her to go on. "Now's not the right time, or the right place either." She says, looking down, her face heating up.

"Oh, how are you felling?" She asks. I rub the base of my neck and say "sore." "You did hit the wall pretty hard." she says and I say "The funny thing is, I don't remember anything." "Again, you did hit the wall pretty hard." She says.

We stare at each other, exchanging glances. Suddenly her face turns red and she quickly looks back at the TV screen.

~Time skip(again)~

I hear a knock on my bedroom door, I open it to find Ururaka standing there with her head down, she looked really nervous.

"Hey, um, c-can I come in?" I nod my head and open the door wider, she hesitates before stepping in and stands awkwardly in front of my bed.

"So, um, I want to tell you something." I gesture for her to go on. She takes a deep breath, squints her eyes and...

~Word count=  356~

Caramel Sweater | TogachakoWhere stories live. Discover now