10. A little ✨extra✨ drama

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Shout out to my friend Genk49 for the title idea and the story idea for this chapter cuz ur girl is a bit stuck and mah friend is a lot awesome. Also check out her book that just so happens to have the same title as this chapter (ToTtAlLy nOt fOr PrOmOtIoNaL PuRpOuSeS🤫) because she is really good at writing.

Before I could fully react to the purple tinged skin, Dabi hits me with... idk... some bat? Whatever it was, it made the world spin and turn black, I could hear the high pitched sound that you can hear when you swim too deep into a pool.

-3rd person-

Gasping for air, She attempts to sit up, only to find that the restraints on her elbows had returned and they were stopping her from moving. 

She tries to kick her legs in attempt to manuvour them to remove her elbow restraints but her legs wouldn't move either. Not that she was even flexible enough to reach her foot to her elbows in the first place.

She hears a slow clap coming from the door. The person chuckles lowly as he says "neat trick isn't it." Not now. She thought through the pain of her stinging head.

Craning her neck to peer over to... Kirishima? What's he doing here? She is about to open her mouth to ask to only feel the taste of wet cloth in replace of oxygen through her tongue.

He takes off his disguise revealing that he was.... Mineta all along. Wtf, how can a dude that small be playing Kirishima... wait but, I've seen these two in a room together so the real Kirishima must be alive somewhere...... or dead. She didn't want the thought that the lovably manly rock could be dead somewhere.

He walks towards her and holds her chin, she shoots daggers through her eyes as he moves her head from side to side, examining her face. 

"Good thing you fell for my trap, Dabi makes a good clone." The brunette wriggled her face out of the grapes grip and gave him an icy glare, clenching her teeth. 

"Where is the real Dabi and Kirishima?!" She asks, shouting in the perverts ear. He gives Ochako a malicious grin, curling the corner of his mouth.

"Do you wanna find out?"

~Word Count= 381~

Caramel Sweater | TogachakoWhere stories live. Discover now