11. Tears and Drama (final chapter)

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A dark room filled with glass compartments, each inhabiting a person.

Dabi, Kirishima, Lady Mountain, Midnight. God knows what Mineta did to the last two knowing that pervert. They were chained and there was duct tape on all of their mouths, Dabi was on my left and Kirishima on my right, the two heroes were in two pods on the other side of the room.

And in the very middle of the room, was... Toga.

"Toga? What are you doing here?" I said, Mineta still hadn't put the tape over my mouth yet. Shh! I'm undercover, don't worry I'll get you out. She mouthed, and I immediately became calmer.

I have to keep the charade up, he must still think I'm panicking. I thought, coming up with a plan.

"How could you do this toga!" I said, just before Mineta was about to put duct tape over my mouth. He hesitates and then pulls away, clearly looking forward to the drama that was unfolding before his eyes.

"You really thought I liked you?" She said, I knew it was fake but it still stung. Mineta clapped his hands, clearly excited by the response of Toga. At this, I started to cry, both fake and partially real. She looked at me with worried eyes whilst Mineta was looking away but returned to the Charade when he turned back around.

"I pretended so you would trust me and depend on me, you would talk to me like nothing in the world happens, then I would break your trust... I NEVER liked you and I NEVER will." She said again, this time, the tears were real...

"How *sob* could you *sob* do this t-*hic*-o me *sob*" I hated how my voice cracked, and I could tell she did too.

Luckily, Mineta had been buying this this whole time and whilst he was busy laughing at my sobs, toga went behind him and did the move I did to her when we first me.

She ran at us with her knife, slicing Tsu's tounge open, leaving it bleeding.
She turned towards me and blushed at the sight "your cute, I need your blood"

She ran at me, hand extended.

Dodge to the side

Grab the wrist

Use other hand to grab the neck from behind

Put all of your weight on them

And slam them onto the ground

So I did just that, dodged to the side, grabbed her wrist, used my other hand to grab her neck from behind, spun her with all my weight and then slammed her into the ground.

The stupid blush was still on her face, it was contagious apparently because it appeared on my face as well when I realised that I was sitting on her in an... interesting way.

*flashback over*

He fell to the ground with a thud, although this time Toga didn't sit on him, she stayed standing, probably in fear that Mineta would get some kind of satisfaction from it. Don't.

Toga walked up to me and hugged me tight.

"Don't tell me those cries weren't genuine, I know what they look like, I'm sorry for being such a great actor." She said as she pulled away, causing a small chuckle from me.

"It's fine." I said smiling, we set the rest of the prisoners free in no time, they had a number lock on them which we though would be hard to unscramble but it turns out it was just '1234' so It was easy.

Alright came and carried them out, and Deku and Bakugou walked towards us.

"Well done guys!" Deku said, and Bakugou just grunted as Deku elbowed him to say the same.

"Well done." He said with a huff. Bakugou was never one to put his ego aside so I was surprised by his actions.

"Ice cream?" Toga asked.

"Ice cream!" We all said, including Tsu and Mina who had just walked in.

*3rd person POV*

While all we're having ice cream, they had no clue of the evil that had come, for one was still missing, Mineta had an accomplice,

A pink alien.

Stan IVE.

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