Chapter 2

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"What are we doing here?"

Grace looked at her fiancé Tyler as they entered the Thrombey house the next day. "I'm not sure. I was left a message that I was needed." She could tell he was nervous, "it'll be fine."

Linda walked into the foyer to see Grace kissing Tyler, "who is this?"

Grace sighed, motioning to Tyler, "this is my fiancé Tyler. Tyler, this is Linda Drysdale."

Tyler smiled and nodded as Linda eyed him. Linda eyed the ring on Grace's finger that wasn't there the day before at the wake. "What are you doing here?"

Grace shrugged, "I was told to come."

Before Linda could say anything, Alan Stevens, the attorney came out of the study. "Oh, Ms. Carson, you're here." He looked from Grace to Linda before motioning them both to follow him.

Grace looked back at Tyler, "just wait here."

Ransom sat next to the chess board in the study as he watched Grace walk into the room behind his mother. He sat up straight, seeing her avoid his gaze as he saw the ring on her finger. Why didn't she say anything yesterday about being engaged?

Grace shifted uncomfortably as the family watched her enter the room, all of them wondering what she was wondering; what was she doing there. She noticed Ransom watching her as she tried to ignore him as the attorney started the reading of the will. Once he finished most of the distributions, the attorney pulled out a letter.

You were always like another granddaughter to me. Always in and out of the house. You've worked with me since you were a teenager, going to school and coming back to become my head editor at Blood Like Wine. Along with an inheritance of one million dollars, I'm leaving you in charge of the publishing company. Under the stipulation you run it with Ransom as 50/50 partners.

"What?!" Ransom and Grace spoke in unison as Ransom leapt to his feet. "I don't want to run the company."

Alan put his hand up, pulling out another letter.

I know you aren't going to like this. But I always imagined the publishing company for you to run. But your lack of self restraint and inability to grow up has stifled you and everything you could be. You and Grace used to be close and she always made you better when she was around. I have no doubts that she will be able to push you to become the man we all know you can be. You get half your inheritance now and the other half when you turn 30 on the stipulation that Grace thinks you've stepped up enough. If she doesn't think you have, then the rest of your inheritance goes to charity. I believe in you guys.

"What the shit!"

Grace looked at an obviously irritated Ransom before he stormed out of the room. She looked back at the rest of his family and saw that they largely agreed with Harlan's assessment. She groaned, turning to leave before Alan called her back in.

"You need to sign this document saying Harlan is transferring ownership to you and Ransom."

Grace hesitated, "I don't know about this."

Linda approached her, resting her hand on Grace's shoulder, "this is what he wanted. He always wanted Ransom to run the company. But he loved having you helping him in the office. He respected you and your opinion. And I agree, if anyone can make Ransom grow up, it's you."

Grace groaned, "I have my own life. I never intended on babysitting a full ass adult."

Linda sighed, "I know Grace."

Grace sighed, "okay." She went to the desk and signed the paper. "And you're going to get Ransom to sign it?"

Alan hesitated for a moment, watching her.

"Seriously? You want me to make him sign it?" She looked back at Linda who just shrugged. "Fine." She grabbed the paper off the desk and stormed out of the room, almost running into Tyler as she did.

"What happened? I saw Ransom storm out of the room."

Grace shook her head, "do you know where he went?" She saw Tyler point to the stairs. "Just stay here." She groaned as she climbed the stairs to the attic office, seeing him sitting on the couch, "Ransom."

He rolled his eyes, "what?"

She closed the door behind her and set the paper on the table in the middle of the room. "I need you to sign this."

Ransom avoided looking at her and shook his head. "You're engaged? Why didn't you wear the ring yesterday?"

She sighed, crossing her arms, "if we were still friends, and you weren't an ass, you would have known. I didn't want to answer any questions yesterday about it. Are you going to sign the paper or not."

He stood up, "and work with you?"

She scoffed, "as if I want to be babysitting your ass. But you know this is what he wanted. He always said he wanted you to run it and me to continue as the head editor." She sighed, "I will help you. You know I would never keep your inheritance from you."

He watched her for a moment, "how long have you been with that guy?"

"Ransom, please."

He shook his head as he approached her, "how long have you been with him?"

"Almost 2 years Ransom. Sign the paper."

"2 years?! You've been dating someone for 2 years and I didn't know?"

She scoffed, shaking her head. She poked him in the chest, "you've been too self involved and getting high to pay attention to anyone or anything but yourself Ransom. Now sign the fucking paper so that I can go home."

He hesitated but walked to the paper and signed it.

She picked up the paper. "I'll see you on Monday. And wear some fucking adult clothes Ransom. Slacks, a button down. A tie? Do you own any ties?"

Ransom rolled his eyes, "yes I have ties. And fine." He grabbed her hand as she began to walk away and pulled her back to him. "Grace."

He brought his hand to her cheek before she pulled away, "no! We aren't going there Ransom. Not anymore. Keep it professional Ransom." She heard him sigh as he released her and she left him in the room alone. She walked into the study and slammed the paper on the desk and walked out with Tyler.

Ransom Drysdale - State of Grace ✔️Where stories live. Discover now