Chapter 7

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Grace watched Ransom drive, "do you think Tyler is cheating on me?"

He groaned, "I think you're drunk, and I think it's best we don't talk."

She scoffed, "so that's a yes. Because why wouldn't he? Because why would he want me?"

Ransom groaned again, "no. If he is, he's an idiot. And it has nothing to do with you. You're perfect Grace."

She only looked at him, not saying anything for a few minutes before turning on the radio. She heard him sigh as she fiddled with the knobs. She stopped on a Taylor Swift song and heard him groan, making her laugh.

"What is it with you and Taylor Swift?"

Grace shrugged, "but it's us." She watched him as she sung along, "We are alone, just you and me. Up in your room and our slates are clean. Just twin fire signs, four blue eyes." She leaned over, placing her hand on his thigh, seeing him smirk, "so you were never a saint. And I've loved in shades of wrong. We learn to live with the pain. Mosaic broken hearts." Grace sighed, looking out the passenger window, "you're my Achilles heel."

He sighed, pulling into the parking lot of his apartment building. He got out, coming around to help her out of the car.

"See, you're still a child, living in an apartment. You have money for a house, why don't you buy a house."

"I don't want a house." He unlocked the door to his apartment, helping her inside. He walked her all the way to the bedroom, helping her remove her coat and shoes before making her lay down.

"Wait!" She watched him start to walk away before she moved over, "lay with me."

Ransom shook his head, "no. I'll sleep on the couch. Just go to sleep Grace."

"Ransom, please don't leave me alone."

He sighed, looking at the floor before turning back towards her. He could see she was about to cry again as she watched him, "okay." He got undressed to his underwear and a t-shirt before crawling into bed next to her. He felt her move to him, resting her head on his chest as he sighed, "Grace." She ran her hand up to his neck as he watched her before she pulled his lips to hers. He moved as he felt her tongue quickly finding his and rolled her to her back, pinning her under him. She ran her hands up under his shirt as he groaned. Ransom pushed her away, laying back on his back, "not like this Gracey. I'm sorry."

She moved away from him, "am I not good enough?"

He groaned, "you know that isn't it. You're drunk and high, and I'm not doing it like this."

"You have sex with drunk women all the time."

Ransom sighed, "but those women aren't you Grace. Please, can we just sleep."

She rolled away from him, facing the wall. "Tyler won't touch me. You won't touch me."

He groaned, rolling towards her as he pulled her to him. He kissed her neck to her ear, "you know all I want is to touch you Grace. To feel you. But I can't, not like this. I want you to be with me because you want to be with me, not because you're upset." He kissed her neck once more as he wrapped his arms around her firmly. "Tyler is an idiot. Now just sleep Gracey, please."


Grace groaned, bringing her hand to her head as she rolled over to see she was in Ransom's bed, alone. She sat up, remembering him bringing her home with him. She looked to see a water bottle and aspirin on the nightstand next to her. She smiled, taking the pills as she saw the note under the water bottle. She set the bottle down, picking up the note. She sighed as she opened it.

You were wrong.
You're *my* Achilles heel.
There's a spare key on the nightstand.
Lock up when you leave.

She looked under where the note was to see the key. She stood up, grabbing the key, putting it and the note in her pocket. She called a car before she made his bed and going into his living room. She went to his desk to look for more manuscripts, seeing another note with her name on it.

Nice try
I moved them

She shook her head, chuckling as she slipped the note in her pocket with the other one. She found her coat folded neatly over the couch with her shoes on the floor next to it. She sighed, putting them on before leaving the apartment, locking up as she did.


Grace sighed as she pulled into her driveway after picking up her car from the bar. She entered the house seeing Tyler was waiting for her. "Hi."

He stood up from the couch, "hi? That's it? Where the fuck have you been?! Why haven't you answered your phone?"

She shrugged, pulling her phone out of her pocket to see it was dead. "I fell asleep at my desk at work and forgot to plug my phone in."

He approached her, backing her up against the wall, "were you sleeping with Ransom?!"

She groaned, "how many times do I have to tell you that Ransom and I are not having sex."

"How am I supposed to believe that when you don't come home?!"

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, "how many times have you not come home and claimed to have fallen asleep at work? Are you claiming that never happened? Feeling guilty Tyler?"

Tyler huffed, balling his hands into fists, "it isn't about me right now! Fuck!"

Grace didn't have time to react as he pulled his fist back, hitting a hole in the wall next to her head, "what the fuck Tyler!" She pushed him out of her way, running to the bedroom as she felt her heart about to beat out of her chest. She changed her clothes quickly, coming out to find Tyler sitting back on the couch, "don't you have work?"

He stood up, nodding, "yeah. I'm sorry about the wall. I'm going back out of town for the week."

"What?!" She watched him ignore her as he left the house, leaving her standing alone in the living room, staring at the hole in the  wall.

Ransom Drysdale - State of Grace ✔️Where stories live. Discover now