Chapter 4

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Tyler entered the bedroom seeing Grace sat up in bed, reading a manuscript, a few blonde tendrils falling over her glasses. He crawled into bed next to her, kissing her cheek, "hi."

She giggled as he began to kiss her neck, "hi." She looked at the time to see it just after 9, "you're home late."

He nodded, "yeah. Work. I have to leave tomorrow, out of town."

She removed her glasses, looking at him, "again? You haven't been home that long."

He shrugged, "it's my job. What do you want me to do?" He smirked, "unless you're going to keep me a kept man with that inheritance of yours."

She laughed, "yeah, no. That's my money. I've already set it up to be invested."

"You invested it all without discussing it with me first?"

"You're not serious. It's my money. When have I ever consulted you about what I do with my own money?"

He shrugged, "but we're about to get married. I thought you'd want to spend some on the wedding or honeymoon or something."

She sighed, "we have enough to pay for the wedding and honeymoon ourselves. You haven't even decided where you want to go." She watched him lay back on his side of the bed, fiddling on his phone. She grabbed her stuff and her glasses, "I'm going to take this downstairs to work on."

"You're going downstairs to work right now?"

Grace shrugged, "yeah. I want to finish this before morning." She didn't let him respond as she went downstairs to her home office. She turned on her desk light and set Ransom's manuscript in front of her with her red pen.


Grace woke up to noise in the kitchen. She sat up, realizing she fell asleep at her desk. She looked at the time, seeing it was almost 7. "Fuck." She ran upstairs, getting dressed quickly before coming back down into the kitchen to see Tyler drinking coffee. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

He shrugged, "I figured you were gone already."

She sighed, grabbing a to go mug and pouring coffee into it. She hesitated, grabbing a second one. She set them on the counter before positioning herself in front of Tyler, "how long are you going to be gone?"

He set his coffee down, pulling her to him by her waist, "a few days. I'll be back by the weekend."

She nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck, "okay. Maybe we can do something? I miss you."

"I could say the same. You've been working more too."

She sighed, "I know. But I'm not just the editor anymore. I'm trying to run a company. Or at least trying to get Ransom to run it. So I'm doing a lot too."

"I know. I know." He pulled her in for a kiss, trailing them down her neck as he heard her moan softly. He chuckled before pulling away, "I'm sorry."

She nodded, resting her head against his, "me too. I have to go." She kissed him once more before grabbing her cups and her stuff from her office.


Grace knocked on Ransom's apartment door, having a female answer in her underwear. She looked up at the ceiling away from the woman, "wow. Okay. Where is Ransom?"

Ransom came out of his room in his underwear to see Grace standing in his living room, avoiding looking at the half naked woman in front of her. He laughed, looking at the woman, "go get dressed. My friend here is shy." The girl nodded and disappeared into his room. Ransom saw Grace in her glasses, "I didn't know you wore glasses."

She sighed, "I woke up late and didn't have time to do the contacts and everything." She handed him a coffee, "I'm here to ensure you make it to work."

He nodded, "I assumed. I like the glasses. You should wear them more often." The girl came back out of the bedroom, kissing Ransom on the cheek before leaving the apartment. He saw Grace blushing, "I'm not allowed to have sex?"

She rolled her eyes, "of course you are, please get dressed. We are already running late." She followed him to his room, staying in the doorway as he disappeared into the closet to get dressed, "do you still write Ransom? You used to write all the time." She heard Ransom groan as he stepped out of the closet, buttoning his shirt.

"Why? I stopped writing a long time ago. I was never any good at it."

She shook her head, doing his tie again, "that's not true. You were always really good Ransom."

He looked down at her tying his tie, "you know I do know how to tie a tie."

She laughed, "well, you never know."

He nodded, "uh huh. You tie your fiancé's tie every morning?"

She looked up at him, "I do not. But I know he can."

"Right. Or maybe you just like being close to me." He smirked as he saw her blush again. She adjusted his tie before folding his collar back down, watching him the whole time. As she began to pull away, he grabbed her hands, placing them around his neck, "Gracey. Tell me you feel this way with him."

She shook her head, "Ransom, don't."

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about."

She rolled her eyes, "and you feel it with that girl?"

He laughed, "so you admit you feel it."

She scoffed, pushing him away, "I admit nothing. I'm engaged. Remember? Where was this when I was standing in front of you asking you to come to New York with me?"

Ransom groaned, "Gracey. I was stupid. I know. I'm sorry." He watched her as he sat to put on his shoes, "and no, with her and other women, it's just sex. And you?" He stood up from the bed, "when are you marrying him?"

"Next summer. And his name is Tyler."

He chuckled, "right. I don't even know him. Why don't I take you guys out for dinner tonight?"

She shook her head, "can't. He's leaving out of town for a few days this afternoon."

"Oh." He watched her for a moment, "he does that a lot?"

She shrugged, "yeah."

He nodded, "so you had sex this morning to send him off?"

She laughed, "how is that your business?"

He shrugged, "he's leaving for a few days, thought you'd want to make sure he remembered what he had at home."

"Are you implying he cheats when he's out of town? Just because you sleep around, doesn't mean everyone does." She scoffed, "and as if I were with you, you wouldn't be sleeping around."

He grabbed her hand, "I definitely wouldn't Gracey. Not with you."

She pulled her hand away, "whatever. Let's just go."

Ransom Drysdale - State of Grace ✔️Where stories live. Discover now