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 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I tried making eye contact for the fifth time today but he didn't notice.

He is the ace in our class Yang Jungwon.

Everyone has a crush on him including me. It all started in 8th grade when he caught a ball and saved me. From that moment on I was slowly falling in love with him.

Have I talked to him yet? Yes twice. One time when we had a school project and I asked him to be my partner and he rejected. And one time where he asked me for homework.

I have written a few love letters already hinting a bit about who I am but he either threw them away immediately or just read them and threw them away.

Today was the day where I wanted to confess to him.

"Heyyy how are you?" Ni-ki asked with a bright smile.

He is my desk mate and my best friend. We've known each other for 8 years now and we're inseparable ever since.

"I'm okay and you?" I asked looking at Jungwon.

"He still hasn't talked to you or looked at you?" Ni-ki asked.

"Nope" I said sighing.

"Then that's my turn to talk to him" He said stood up and walked straight over to Jungwon.

I tried to stop him by holding his sleeve but he just pulled away and continued.


Jungwon turned around and looked confused at his classmate Ni-ki.

"Hi?" He said in a questioning tone.

"I wanted to ask you if you want to do something after school with me and my friend Byeol." Ni-ki said pointing in my direction.

I had eye contact with him.

I freaked out inside.

My heart pounded.

I got butterflies.

"No" He quickly replied.

"No???" Ni-ki said surprised. And I almost fell off my chair.

"I have plans sorry maybe another time" He said and left.

Ni-ki came back to my place and sat down next to me.

"I mean it was worth a try" He said his arms crossed.


I was walking back to class after our lunch break. A lot people were rushing to their classes so I walked really close to the wall. I didn't want anyone to run me over.

And then exactly that happened. A group of boys a year or two younger ran through the halls and one pushed me which made me fall on the floor.

Well actually I would have fallen on the cold floor but someone catched me and prevented me on touching the floor. I looked at him in surprise not expecting anyone to catch me. When our eyes met I saw it was Jungwon. My crush. My eyes were big and I looked into his hazel eyes.

"Th-thank you" I said shy. I couldn't stop smiling.

"No problem bye" And with that he left. I guess he isn't a man of big words.


We were in class again and I was sitting next to a Ni-ki again.

"What happened to you and why are you smiling like an idiot. Stop now are you high or drunk?" Ni-ki asked worried.

"He caught me" I said. My eyes not leaving him. My mouth not stopping to smile.

"He caught you staring or having a crush on him?" Ni-ki asked.

"No quite literally. I fell down and he caught me" I explained. Does he like me? Maybe it'll work out.

My hopes were high after todays happenings.

                   ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

                   ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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