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 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I jumped on my bike and looked at him. He was still smiling at me like I was some kind of cute puppy.

"Are you going to stay there?" I asked before waving my hand in front of his face.

"Oh yeah yeah let's go" He shook his head like he was trying to get rid of a thought that made him daydream like that.

The moon was shining through the trees. We were riding to our favorite restaurant. It was next to a convenience store. We bought some chocolate and pocky and headed over to the tteokbeokkie place.

We ordered and ate like usual.

"Woah this was great thanks for paying" I said and leaned back.

"Yeah yeah you're welcome" Ni-ki rolled his eyes and then we both laughed.

"I think we should go home now my brother called me" I said after looking on my phone screen.

"The Son Youngjae? The Eric Son? Your big brother? My hyung?" Ni-ki asked excited. He always got along with my big brother and his friends when they were at our house since he was young.

"Yes that's correct I only have one brother you prick" She scoffed.

"Don't be such a meanie you dork. So if he's here that means he is back from his america trip with Jacob Hyung and Sunwoo Hyung?" His eyes sparkled.

"Yah you like him better than me? I'm definitely offended" I rolled my eyes.

"No but I'm sad because he didn't tell me" Ni-ki looked down and acted sulky.

Then a message popped up on his screen. His eyes widened.

yooo big little boi i'm back from america
neways let's hang out!! you, byeol,
sunwoo, jacob and i
at our apartment tomorrow 7pm

yes omg hyung is back !!!
i'm excited see you tomorrow
can't wait to meet you and
sunwoo hyung and jacob hyung
again after a long time

His face lit up after he read the message. He typed something and then looked at me.

"What?" I asked confused because of his sudden mood change.

"Eric texted me hihi" He clapped his hands together in tiny.

"What did he say?" I asked sipping from my drink which I haven't finished yet.

"Meeting with Jacob Hyung and Sunwoo Hyung. Tomorrow 7pm" He said in a monotone voice.

"Okayy yay" I was happy because I haven't seen my brother and was excited to meet him and his cool friends again.


We arrived at Eric's and Sunwoo's apartment. They shared it so the rent would be cheaper. Jacob stayed over for a few more days until he would go back to his apartment which he shared with Kevin.

Ni-ki rang the bell and we waited for someone to open the door.

Eric opened the door and I immediately hugged him tight when I saw him.

"Ericccc My favorite brother" I said while hugging him.

"Hello my only sister" He said and I playfully hit him.

"And hello my little dongsaeng" Eric let go of the hug and turned his gaze to Ni-ki.

"Uhm excuse me little? I'm at least one head taller than you" He did this ☝🏼 and looked at him with a judging gaze.

"Yeah okay one point for you big dongsaeng." He laughed.

Sunwoo and Jacob welcomed us aswell and we ordered some fried chicken.

Ni-ki POV:

Byeol was busy playing mario cart with Sunwoo Hyung and Jacob was cheering for them. So I took it as an opportunity to have a bro to bro talk with Eric.

"Hey uhm-" I started. But Eric cut me off.

"I know you like my sister and to be honest I'm glad it's you. I like you and I think you would be great together trust me." He whispered so the others couldn't hear us.

"Well first of all HOE DID YOU KNOW? And thank you that I have your agreement to asking her out but actually I wanted to ask you something that has to do with this" I said and he nodded and gestured me to continue.

„Wait" He stopped me from continuing. „Did you just say hoe instead of how?" He laughed.

„Yes I picked it up from Byeol she says that all the time anyways" I said and he chuckled.

"She still has a slight crush on another boy. But this boy has a girlfriend now and he rejected her. When do you think should I tell her that I like her. I don't want to rush anything and I don't want her to feel pressured or anything" I said and waited for his advice.

"I'd say ask her in a month or something like that. But you should ask her first if she still has feelings for him. So that you don't get rejected. I really want you two to be together and at the way she looks at you I think I can't tell that she has feelings for you. Maybe only a bit because she still thinks she likes the other guy but still. Something is there and I'm sure it'll turn out for good." He said and gave me a reassuring side hug.

"Thanks hyung" I smiled at him.

"No problem." He smiled back and we continued hanging out and having fun the whole evening.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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