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 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Hey" I spoke up. He looked up from his phone to look at my face. He started to smile. So I smiled back.

"I just saw that the bus is broken so it won't come today." He said.

"What really?" I was surprised and unhappy. I really didn't want to walk home alone.

"Yeah I guess" He shrugged.

"Where do you live?" He asked me so I answered my street name.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded.

"I live near you" He told me and continued. "Let's walk together then" He smiled and we started walking home.

It was already dark because we had classes till pretty late.

"In class earlier you seemed a" He told me expecting an answer.

"I'm not sure probably because of Ni-ki." I told him while keeping my gaze low.

"Do you like him?" He asked which I denied immediately.


"I think you like him" He chuckled. No bitch I like you not my best friend. I think. But if I'm being honest I do miss him right now. It's wierd if he isn't talking to me. I feel a bit empty. And alone. I don't like being alone.

"No answer huh" He said keeping his gaze straight.

"I was just thinking about something" I said sighing.

"You are actually nicer than I thought" He said to me. I could feel my heart beat up.

"Really?" I laughed and tried to hide my cheeks which where blushing.

"Yes I though you would be another girl who has a crush on me and want to befriend me because of that" He said "But I guess you are cooler than I thought" He hooked his arm with mine.

My smile disappeared and I could feel how a tear slowly roll down my cheek after those words. He friendzoned me. Really hard actually.

'I thought you are one of those who have a crush on me' Jungwon I am. I do have a crush on you. Since fucking 8th grade. But why am I slowly loosing some interest? No that can't be.

"Glad that you think I'm cool" I grinned after I tried to hide that I lost some tears.


"I have to go now" Jungwon said and I nodded.

"Thanks it was fun talking" I said and wanted to wave a goodbye to him but instead he hugged me. I was startled by his sudden action. My body relaxed in his grip. It was a 3 second hug but it meant the world to me.

He then left and I went inside my house.

I couldn't stop thinking about Jungwons words about the hug and about Ni-ki. He still hasn't answered or called.

I walked downstairs again and put on my shoes and my Jacket.

I had to see him and talk to him. I hate not being on good terms with him. And it made me really sad.

I decided to go to our spot first to look for him.

Our spot where we first met. Where we watched the stars. Where we almost fell asleep under the sky. Where we talked till late night. Where we hung out after school.

A little hidden spot at the beach.

We would come there if we felt bad or needed to think about things that held us awake at night.

He had to be there.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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