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 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Two months have passed

Ni-ki finally had the guts to tell her what he wanted to tell her since the first fight they had.

It was a saturday. They wanted to meet up either way so he just went to her as planned.

He walked to her house and rang the bell. She opened the door and welcomed him with a bright smile. He hugged the slightly shorter girl and they went into her kitchen.

"Look I've made cookies for us" She showed him a box full of chocolate chip cookies. He smiled at her and they went into her room.

They hung out like usual. Just like normal best friends. But it was soon 11:00 pm they decided to go to bed. But not to sleep. They always stay in bed for an hour or two and just cuddle talk or watch movies.

Today wasn't different. They laid in bed all cuddled up together.

"Let's go on the rooftop" Ni-ki suggested. He finally wanted to tell her his secret.

"Right now?" Byeol asked and Ni-ki nodded.

"Okayy" She agreed and jumped up. They both went to the rooftop.

They sat next to each other and looked at the night sky.

"Three weeks have passed. And I think I am ready now to tell you that"

Byeol nodded because she was waiting for this.

"So because you said that you slowly started to loose feelings I felt comfortable to tell you this after some time passed. Before I can tell you my secret I want to ask you something." He started.

"Go ahead ask me" She said confident.

"Do you still have a crush..." She nodded and smiled. His smile dropped. "...on Jungwon?" He finfished.

She shook her head.

So her crush wasn't Jungwon anymore.

"So uhm it'll be wierd if you don't feel the same but, that doesn't matter right now.
You remember that one day I ignored your messages and calls and when I was mad at you.
I never told you the reason.
The reason was that I had a crush on you and I was jealous and quite sad that you didn't like me back and my love for you was unrequited.
That was the real reason.
And the crush that I had on you is still there and the same.
Maybe even bigger.
And my love for you grew.
I hope it won't be super wierd for us if you don't like me back and that's totally okay and under stan danke but I hat to tell it to you so that you can reject me so that I can move on."

"I won't reject you though" She said confident. And smirked at him.

"Wait really??" He seemed very surprised.

"After I started to loose feelings I noticed that I started to develop feelings for you rather than him because of how close we were. I noticed that you aren't only a best friend to me but more." She told the boy.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend then?" He asked her really unsure.

"Only if you kiss me" She said and looked deep into his brown eyes.

He nodded and looked at her eyes, then her lips and then her eyes again.

Their body's shifted closer and their lips met. Their breaths mixed and their lips collided.

Their hearts exploded because of joy and they felt the warmth in their bodies.

It was the  first kiss for both of them.

They parted away from the kiss now leaning their heads against each other's.

She took hold of his hand and intertwined their fingers.

"I love you" He said while looking at the skyline of seoul.

"I love you more" She said and scooted closer.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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