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 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It was the next day

I was getting ready for school. Ni-ki waited for me at my entrance. I went to him and hugged him.

"Have you learned for the exam today?" He asked me while I got on his bike.

"No why would I" I said. He chuckled and shook his head. We then started riding. I put my hands around his waist like usual.

Authors POV:

Byeol couldn't see this but boy Riki smiled and blushed like crazy.

She was still a bit sleepy because it was so early so she rested her head on his back. Sort of like when you back hug someone.

And Ni-ki got butterflies.


"Okay we are going to play ping pong (hyuna,dawn) for todays gym class. And because this is the last lesson before the holidays I'm going to let you listen to some music." Our teacher said and suddenly left the room.

"So I guess she gave this to us. So let's plan this without her." Jungwon said.

"You can do that" Ni-ki said and went to me. I was sitting on a bench at the side because I was tired.

I was tired because I couldn't sleep. So I took the opportunity to sleep now since the teacher wasn't here anyways.

"You can't sleep now Ni-ki" said.

"Why not" I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I want you to be active let's do at least something funny" He suggested. I knew he wouldn't stop until I would agree so I just agreed.

"Fine" I said and rolled my eyes.


None of the kids played ping pong. We all either just sat at the side or did some random little games.

Ni-ki and I were at the side and we wanted to play something fun. So he just randomly said run and tried to catch me.

I obviously ran away but it was so sudden that I didn't look around enough and so I fell. Yes again I fell.

But I thought I would fall. BUT I think you can imagine what happened.

*Drumrolls* dudungdudung

Someone caught me. 😱

But not just someone a very certain someone. Someone I actually tried to avoid until my feelings were fully gone.

Yes you guessed it right. It was Yang Jungwon.

He caught me and we had eye contact. I didn't think of Hena in this moment.

As soon as I realized it I got up and left with a quick 'thank you' and a bow. I walked to Ni-ki not looking back at him.

"Are you alright?" Ni-ki quickly asked me and I nodded.


The class was over and we wanted to leave to the changing room to get into our regular clothes.

Before I could walk in, a hand grabbed my wrist.

"Why are you so different? Are you trying to avoid me?" Jungwon asked.

"No" I said.

He looked at me and immediately knew I was lying.

"Is it because of your crush on me. Is that why you are avoiding me" He asked. Now he's good at getting the things or what.

"Yes. I'm sorry if that made everything complicated or anything else. Really I'm sorry. I promise you that I will work this out. And if you still want to be friends with me by then, then we can be back to how we were before I told you this." I said with glassy eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry though I mean we can't choose who we love" He said and I nodded.

"Was it okay for Hena that you caught me?" I didn't want to have an enemy or something that would've make everything worse.

"Oh she doesn't know and she doesn't need to know. She isn't attending today" I just nodded.

"Let's be good friends when you're over me" He smiled like a little cat.

"Yes that's a good idea" I also started smiling.

He then hugged me. This hug felt different from the one he gave me the last time. This time weren't any butterflies. I just felt comfortable around him. Like I felt with Ni-ki.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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