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 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Ni-ki POV:

Again Jungwon?

Ugh really I know I told her that I would try to help her but this is getting out of hand. Doesn't she notice how it's sort of hurting me? It's true that I want her to be happy but I am scared that I will loose her if she gets a boyfriend.

And I feel like cinderella naega byeonhae


And I feel like she looses 'interest' in me. And would rather have him as a friend than me. The tall boy sighed.

And with that thought I slowly fell asleep.

Authors POV:

She wasn't loosing interest in spending time with him.
He didn't know that it was quite the opposite of it.
She loved spending time with him but the crush she had on Jungwon made it seem otherwise.


Byeol POV:

I haven't told Ni-ki yet that Jungwon sort of rejected me. But it could still be that it'll work out for us.

We were at school. Ni-ki and I had two classes seperate. And I was in one of them. We got a project to search for information about some old people from 1600. Very boring.

BUT I was in this class with Jungwon. Which made it a bit less boring.

I could look at him and his beautiful face and features the whole time.

I looked down for a second to write down some things I found and looked back at his place.

He was gone.

What how is he a vampire?

"Hi Byeol"

I was startled and a slight 'AHH' escaped my mouth.

"Gosh you startled me" I held my hand on my heart and breathed heavily.

"I wanted to ask you if you want to hang out" He sat down and looked at me waiting for an answer.

Is my crush asking me out on a date??????????

"Uhm yes I mean of course I'd love to" I smiled and again I blushed.

"Awesome let's hang out at my place at 8" He said and ruffled my hair with his hand.

Now i was dying because of butterflies in my stomach.


"What do you want to do then?" I asked him.

"We could either order food or just chill or something else we will find something." He smiled very bright and that infected me to smile back.


"Nikikikiki" I called out for him. He turned around and ran towards me.

"Heloooo" I greeted him and we started to walk outside again.

"Jungwon asked me to hang out at his home later at 8" I said excited jumping a bit. I waited for his reaction but nothing. Wasn't he surprised by him suddenly inviting me?

"Why aren't you answering ?" I asked while he opened the lock from his bike.

"I know he asked you" He said.

"Have you arranged this again?" I said a bit disappointed.

"Nope but he asked me if I want to hang out with him and his friends and he asked if you want to come too" Ni-ki said slowly getting on his bike.

"Oh I thought he told you" He said scratching his neck.

"No he didn't." Has he done this on purpose to make my hopes high?


We were on our way to his house now. He sent me his adresse about 30 minutes ago.

"Ni-ki remember when I told you about when Jungwon and I were walking home together" I started.

"Yeah what about it?" He asked pushing his bike by his hands because we were talking now.

"He actually told me that he thinks that-" I was cut off by Jungwon himself.

"Hello you two!" The door opened! He greeted us and we got inside.

"So what did you wanted to tell me about the walk home thing?" He asked.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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