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listen to just a little bit if you want to

^listen to just a little bit if you want to

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✧・: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

We ran away. This feeling it felt great. I loved it.

We stopped by a convenience store again to get snacks. We then went to our spot. I never noticed how thankful I am to have him. Nishimura Riki or short Ni-ki as my best friend.

We now arrived at our spot and decided to talk about life and friends and stuff. And then I remembered he wanted to ask me something.

"You told me you need to tell me something" He said before I could ask the same.

"Yes right but you too" I said he was playing with his sleeves. He seemed nervous.

"Okay so uhm I realized that my love for Jungwon wasn't that strong amymore.
And because he always acted uninterested I slowly got to know that he doesn't like me.
Only as a friend.
And then the way he rejected me.
It did hurt like hell.
And I did cry but I think it was definitely for the better.
I noticed how much you were there for me after that kiss with him and hena and I noticed that I lost a bit of my feelings.
I wouldn't say they are gone yet but they are soon to be gone.
I wanted to tell you this earlier but yeah.
Now you know."

"So you lost your feelings" He asked.

"Well no I can't loose my feelings." I laughed because I knew how he meant it.

"So you lost your feelings towards Jungwon" He said the last part extra clear.

"Also no I can't loose my feelings from one day to another but I can feel how they disappear slowly." I told him which he nodded to.

"And what did you wanted to tell me?" I asked. "I want to know it now too" I hit his shoulder playfully.

"You know I have changed my mind" He said.

"What???" I was very sad I really wanted to know.

"I will tell you but you have to wait a little longer okay? Just a little bit" I was a bit disappointed but it was okay for me. I trust him so he will tell me.

"Now let's go swimming" He said and held his hand out for me to take it.

I took it with a smile. We jumped up and went swimming under the moonlight. It was beautiful.

We played in the water and splashed each other with water.

We then stood in front of each other. Suddenly after playing around the whole time.

He was looking into my eyes.

I was looking into his.

"The moon is beautiful tonight" He said in a low voice.

"Hmm?" I couldn't fully understand.

"The last one at the bikes has to pay for tteokbeokkie and seven eleven" He said in a loud voice.

He started to run but I held his hand so we both fell into the water.

After we got over water again we both giggled.

I quickly pushed him and ran to the bike.

"I guess you have to pay now"

He smiled.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


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