fourteen - epilogue

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not unrequited anymore?
╚ ═════════════. .★.╝

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 ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅

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1 year later

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Jungwon and I met up. We wanted to hangout with his sister because she graduated from her university.

It was also the day Ni-ki left to see his parents. We actually wanted to go to japan together because I wanted to meet his family again but we could only get one ticket, so I insisted on him going without me. He would still be back before our anniversary and I could meet his family another time again.

He was in Japan with his family for a week to be there at his moms birthday and just spend time with his family after a long time. I also used this 'opportunity' to spend time together with my family and siblings.

About the situation with Jungwon and his girlfriend. And the friend group.

After everything we started hanging out again. At first we were five. Jungwon, Hena, Ni-ki, Jungwons sister and me. We got close and hung out a lot. I got close to Jungwons sister because we started talking every time I was at his house with the others. So she kind of entered our friend group. So us three the girls got close and Jungwon and Ni-ki of course.

Until when Hena first cheated on him. They made up afterwards because she was drunk and it was 'just' a kiss.

But after it happened again they ended up breaking up. It was for the better because she was toxic and it made Jungwons mental state worse.

Then it was just the four of us.

We spend a lot of time together and still do.


"Hey Byeol, I have to give something to you" His heart pounded faster saying those words.

"What is it?" She smiled at the slightly taller boy.

"Uhm it's- uh it's from Ni-ki" He nodded. "He said I should give this to you" He said and gave me a box.

"Open it at home later okay?" He asked.

"Okay" I said and did this with my hand 👌🏼 and smiled.


I was at home and I opened the box.

Inside was a grey sweater.

"It's the sweater that I wanted to get." I said excited.

I took it out from the box and put it on. It fitted great. I was very happy to receive this great gift.

Inside was a note.

I hope you like it.
I remember you telling me that you really wanted to buy that sweater so I bought it for you

There was no name on the note though.

I thought a bit and never remembered telling Ni-ki about this sweater.


Ni-ki and I wanted to celebrate our one year anniversary together.

Today was the day he would come back. And tomorrow would be our one year anniversary.

I was at the airport waiting for the people in his plane and of course waiting for him.

And there he was. My precious boyfriend. Whom I loved. Our eyes met. He immediately started to smile after he recognized me under my mask. I could only see his eye smile but I knew he was smiling like an idiot under his mask.

He ran towards me and picked me up. Spinning while hugging me.

He slowly let me down but didn't let go of me. He looked deep into my eyes and pulled both of our masks down and gave me a kiss onto my lips. The kiss felt radiant. And my heart pounded just like when we had our first kiss. I still remember everything.

"How have you been?" He asked while we were walking towards his car that he lend me while he was with his family.

"Good" I smiled at him. "But I missed you so much" I said squeezing his hand a little that was intertwined with mine.

"We did face time everyday" He laughed. His deep laugh. His deep laugh that I adored.

I wanted to ask him if he planned something for today but got interrupted when he got a call.

"Heyyy it's been a while" He said and smiled.

"It's been only a week where we haven't talked or anything" It was Jungwon.

"Hello Jungwon" I said and waved. He started smiling and said hello aswell.

"How about meeting today" Jungwon asked.

I wanted to say yes but Ni-ki answered before I could.

"Nope sorry mate not today. Today is reserved for me and my girlfriend." He said looked deeply into my eyes and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I could hear Jungwon sigh slightly. I was confused.

"Oh sorry I forgot. Then have fun!! Let's meet another time, Bye" They bid goodbyes and he ended the call.

"Have you something planned?" I asked while he was putting his suitcase in the trunk of the car.

"Yes actually"

We went to the amusement park and he told me how much he missed me and how much he loves me.

We were now on the top of the ferris wheel and looked at the beautiful night lights and the scenery.

"Thanks for bringing me here it's so pretty" I said and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Always for you my love" He said.

"Oh and thank you for the sweater you gave me it's so cute" I smiled brightly.

He looked confused.

"What sweater?"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Thank you so much for reading this short story!! I actually wrote this in 2 days because I wanted to have a second story with a slightly different plot.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


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