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 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Why are you crying Byeol" He asked in a husky voice.

"I'm fine" I said.

"You are crying what is wrong" He asked again sitting down next to me side hugging me.

"It hurts" I said.

"What hurts who hurt you" He looked at me but I looked at the floor.

"You Jungwon. You are hurting me. I'm hurt seeing you with her." I said sobbing.

"What do you mean?" He was confused. He's blind.

"Remember when you told me that you are glad I'm not one of those girls who have a crush on you?" I asked.

"Yeah and what about it" He is still not getting it.

"I have a crush on you Jungwon. Since eighth grade. I even wrote a few love letters but you never really read them." His eyes went bigger. Wow now he is getting it.

"So you like me?" He asked.

"Yes that's why I was hurt seeing you with her" I felt ashamed. Not for liking him but for crying in front of him and running away.

"I like you too ... but only as a friend. You are a precious friend of mine and I like spending time with you." He told me taking hold of my hand.

"I know. And that's okay I mean I can't change it and I want you to be happy with Hena so now go to her. You love her and you two are really a great match" I reassured him and he nodded. He stood up and left.

I still sobbed a bit but I got over it. I felt that I was loosing feelings a bit a few days ago but they aren't fully gone.

So it still hurt a lot.


"Jungwon told me that you confessed finally. But he also said the he is in a relationship with Hena now" Ni-ki told me. I nodded and rested my head on my hand looking at my blank paper.

"Yes he did but It's good. I finally confessed and he rejected that means I can move on from him now right" I tried to see it positive. Which actually didn't worked that bad.

"I'm here for you were best friends in the end" He said and hugged me. I expected him to let go after a few second like he usually did but he held me tight.

After he let go he took hold of my hand.

"Let's skip todays last class and go watch the stars at our spot" He said. I didn't hesitate and agreed to it.

"I have to tell you something later then" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah me actually too I wanted to tell you this already but somehow I never got the chance to actually do so" I said and packed my things together since the last class was going to start and we wanted to avoid seeing the teacher.

We got our things and tried walking outside through the school gate.

"You two what are you doing here" A teacher asked us.

We looked at each other put our hoods up so that the teacher wouldn't recognize us and said both in unison "RUN".

He took hold of my hand and we ran away like in those movies.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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