Chapter 4

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Nash POV

next the next morning when I we all woke up cam walked to his house which is only 3 blocks away and every one got ready to go to the hospital because they were gonna call soon and we didn't want to go to school so we just stayed at the house until they call.

Its around 9:30am right now and w are all sitting on the couch talking. "do you think he is going to be okay" I asked and everybody gave me a weird look. "why do you care if he is okay" Aaron asked " I don't but I don't want him to not be okay and come back and try to tell or something" I said looking down.

"or do you feel guilty for almost killing him" Johnson said "I wasn't the only one who let him go" I snapped at him. "ok dude chill" Taylor said and I sat back on the couch. "so when are they going to call" Cameron asked and Carters phone started to ring.

"right now so shut up. Hello, yes sir, no sir , yes they have been notified, ok, thank you we'll be there shortly" Carter said and hung up the phone. "OK LETS GO GUYS" he yelled and everyone got up and walked out to Cameron's truck.

Cam drove to the hospital and when we got there Taylor, Cam and I went inside to get him. "Hayes Grier" I said to the front desk lady and she gave me some papers to sign so he could be let out.

"thank you, he is on floor 3, hall G, room 37" she said and we went up to his room. I knocked on the door and walked in. he was sitting on the bed laying down not facing the door. if you are quiet enough you can hear him crying but not very loud.

"hayes its time to go" I said walking over to him. He wiped his face then sat up. "do you need help" cam asked lifting his hand but he flinched away. "uh no I'm fine" he said really quiet you could hardly hear it. he got off the bed and put his shoes on then stood quietly next to the door waiting.

Hayes' POV

I stood bye the door waiting for them. "are you sure you don't need help, do you want a wheel chair or something" Taylor asked and I shook my head. "ok don't say I didn't ask" he said and they walked out with me behind them.

when we got to the car the last seat was next to Cameron because Taylor said he wanted to drive and I'm so freaking scared of Cameron and I don't want to seat right next to him but I kept my mouth shut, because every time I open my mouth I get hit.

The drive home was 15 minutes and I sat with my hood over my head and my earphones in my ears. I was looking out the window watching some little kids play in their yard together, then we started to move again so I could no longer see them.

one of the guys tapped my arm so I turned around to them. "yes" I asked taking out my earphones. "what are you listening to" Aaron asked "Ed Sheeran" I said. " really, that's my biggest idol" Shawn said and I nodded.

"you don't speak much "one guys said. I still don't know all of their names. I nodded agreeing with him. "we're being nice to you so talk" nash said turning around in the passenger seat looking at me.

"what do you want me to say" I asked confused, because he got mad at me for not talking. "I don't know keep the conversation going and stop nodding your head" he said turning back around.

"okay" I said looking down at my phone. "so how are you feeling" Cameron asked. "ok I guess" I said keeping my head down. I wasn't in the mood to talk any more and no one said anything so I started to listen to my music again.

"Dude Nash is talking to you" Cameron said taking my earphone out. "oh sorry what did you say" I asked. " are you going to tell dad or your mom" he asked. "are you beat me up if I do" I asked answering his question with a question.

"just answer the fucking question" he said. "well Im not going to if im going to get my ass kick because your upset about some lady and you taking it out on me, when you can call the lady but you wont and you decide to take you anger out on me, but that's none of my business" I said getting tired of his shit.

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now