Chapter 1

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Hey Guys So My name is Hayes Grier and for the passed 10 years since I was 3 I have been living with my mom and little sister Sky and I Just found out I have two older brothers but one is in college and the other lives on the other end of the state and I finally get to meet him after knowing about him for about a week now.

I never knew about him because our parents divorced and he went with our dad and i stayed with our mom and sky. I'm really happy to get to know him cause we are moving in with them tomorrow even though i don't want to switch schools but i really don't have a choose unless i live on the streets and i'm not doing that.

"Hayes do you have your all your thing's packed up so the moving guys can put everything on the truck and take it to the house so when we get there all we have to do is set up our rooms" Mama asked from down stairs.

"yes mom" I yelled back and I heard the sound of Sky's little feet patter down the hall to our room. "Hayes the big guys are taking our stuff out the room" she said sitting next to me on my bed. "they have to sky so we can move to dads house" I said sitting her on my lap. We have to share a room because mom is the only one working and cant really afford a house so we can all get our own room but she doesn't really have to worry bot that any more.

"but my horse is in the box they took" she said crossing her arms "you'll get it tomorrow" i said and she nodded then ran back out the room. i got up off my bed and went down stairs because i got hungry and i wanted food.

"mam what are we having for dinner?" i asked "what ever you want to have" she said and i looked in the freezer and pulled out two hotpockets. "sky what do you want for dinner" i yelled so she could hear me from where ever she is.

"chicken nuggets" she yelled back and i pulled them out the freezer and put them on a pan then put them in the oven to cook. "mom I'm gonna go say bye to Jordyn and Nick. and sky's chicken nuggets are in the oven" i yelled walking out the door.

I walked down the street to their house because they are sister and brother. I knocked on the door and Mrs.Thomas answered the door. "hello Mrs. Thomas i came to say good bye to Nick and Jordyn before i leave tomorrow" i said and she let me and in and i walked up to nick's room.

"hey guys" i said when i walked in. "hey, what are you doing over here" nick asked. He is one of my closest friends, well he is my best friend but you get it, right?

"i came to say bye because i leave tomorrow morning" i said and Jordyn run up to me and gave me a hug. she was only 10 years old and has a crush on me but wont tell anyone but we already know it and she is so adorable and i love this little girl like she was a little sister to me, which she is, but she isn't. you know what just forget i said that.

"oh yea you do leave tomorrow. I'm gonna miss you bro but we can still keep in touch and stuff" Nick said giving me a hug. "of course man. bros for life" i said hugging him back. "what about me" Jordyn said. "and you to Jo-Jo. you know my number just call and i'll answer if I'm not busy, which i wont be because i have no life" i said and we all laughed

"ok i got to go home. I'll text you guys later" i said walking out the room and down the stairs. "bye Mrs Thomas" i said giving her a hug. "bye Hayes we'll miss you being here" she said pointing at herself and Mr.Thomas. "i'll miss you guys also but i got to get going bye" i said walking back down the street to my house.

"mom i'm back" i yelled walking into the kitchen. "pk sweetie i made your food already and sky is eating" she yelled from her room. i got my hotpockets from the oven and sat next to sky and ate my food. "are you happy to go live with daddy" i asked sky "yea I'm gonna show him all my stuffed animals" she said dipping her chicken nugget in ketchup.

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now