Chapter 5

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Next Day

when we woke u the next morning we brushed our teeth and got dressed. "Amber are you ready" I asked and she left out the bathroom and nodded we grabbed our stuff and walked towards the door.

"wait, listen" I said and she stopped and stood still not talking. I looked out the window blind a little and Cameron's truck was outside a few feet away.  "we cant leave" I said "why not" she asked. "because your brother and my brother are out there looking for us" I said and we walked back to the bed and sat down.

"what do we do now" she asked "sit here and wait. wanna watch Netflix" I asked and she nodded and we took out my laptop. right as I was about to press play for whatever movie she pick some one knocked on the door. I looked through the peep hole and it was cam nash taylor and matt with the front desk guy.

"hand me 20 dollars" I said to her and she went in her wallet and handed it to me. "open the door you only paid for one night" the guy said and I put the chain on the door and opened it and handed him the money then closed it back. "thank you" the guys said then told nash and the guys that he couldn't do anything if I paid him the money.

I sat back down next to her and we watched the spoungebob movie. after it went off we put everything back and our bags then she made me double check my bag then we looked out the window and Cam's truck was no longer here.

" I turned off the lights and opened the slowly and check the sides of the door to make sure they weren't here them we ran  off then hopped on our boards. we didn't bring our bags this time since we paid for another night.

"GET THEM" somebody yelled and we started to speed up unit we came to a dead end at a forest area. "come on" I said pulling her arm and we ran into the wood like area.

 after running for 10 minutes straight we stopped and climbed a tree. I helped her up then put our boards behind a bush then climbed up after her. She had a scratch on her cheek and it was starting to bleed.

"I'm sorry" I said wiping the blood away with my thumb. "its ok" she said pulling out her phone. "put your phone on silent" she said and I nodded pulling out my phone.

"so when-" she started but I covered her mouth "shh" I whispered holding my finger to my mouth and she nodded so I moved my hand.

"where could they have gone." cam asked as they walked pass our tree. "I don't know but if he doesn't come back before his mom and dad come back he is going to get it" Nash said.

"it doesn't really matter to me because amber runs away all the time but always comes back and my parents act like nothing happened and give her what ever she needs" Taylor said "I mean they couldn't have gotten far because if you keep straight its a lake and they are not going to get across it since Hayes cant swim" Matt said and they stopped like 5 feet away from the tree.

"how about Nash and Taylor go that way and Cam and I will go this way" matt said and everyone nodded agreeing with him. as matt and cam walked pass the tree again my hand hit a branch and it broke off falling to the ground.

Cam didn't seem to notice because he was on his phone but Matt did and looked up and I was praying he didn't see us but he did anyways. I put my finger to my mouth the and begged him not to tell Cameron.

"come on matt what are you doing" Cameron yelled a few feet away from him. he looked up once more then turned around. "nothing man I thought I saw them but it wasn't them and if was Nash and Tay will get them because they are going towards them." he said walking away.

I sighed in relief and waited until I could no longer hear them.  "Come on lets go" I said "wait Hayes I probably should have told you this earlier but I'm afraid of heights" she said and I looked down and we were pretty high up in the tree.

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now