Chapter 12

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Hayes' POV
(Later that day around 8 o'clock at night)

I woke up still in the hospital sitting in this stupid white room, on this dumb uncomfortable bed, bored as ever.

Nobody was in the room right now except for Amber. I tried to call her to wake her up but my throat was hurting so I just pressed the call button for the nurse to come in.

When she finally did come, I pointed at the bottle of water that was on a table so fucking far from me. She walked over to it and handed it to me then walked out. 

When the door closed it woke Amber up and she looked around the room and stretched before she looked at me.

"Hey" she whispered moving her hair out of her face.

"Hi" I said playing with the bottle of water in my hands.

"How are you doing" she asked walking over to the chair beside my bed.

"I could be better" I said looking up at her.

"oh well do you want anything, like food or something. I can call  your mom and-"

"No... I mean its fine I'm not hungry" In said cutting her off.

"oh um well do you wanna watch the tv" She asked grabbing the remote.

"No" was all I said and there was an awkward silence for about ten minutes.

"Why?" she said and I looked up at her.

"why what?" I said knowing what she was talking about but I didn't want to answer it.

"why this?" She said pointing at my wrist.

"Amber I don't know if you noticed but Nash hates me and I did nothing to him. He makes up lies to tell the school so they will hate me. He beats me up. He does what ever he can to make my life miserable, and he won't stop until I leave from this town and I know that's not going to happen because my mom loves it here and I can't do anything to change her mind about it." I said looking down at my hands.

"But Hayes you had all of us worried about you and even Matt started to cry for you and he doesn't like to show weakness around people but he did. Your mom was so scared that you weren't going to wake up, and if Matt didn't give any blood to you, you would be dead by now. Hayes we were sitting here praying for you because you wanted to take your life when you don't have to. Yeah Nash can be an asshole but don't let it get to you. Hayes taking your life is not worth it and if you left who would Skylynn look up to because I know you don't want it to be Nash. Everything would fall apart if you left. And what I'm trying to say is we don't want to lose you ever so please Hayes just-"

"Oh your awake good" The doctor said cutting her off.

"Your mom has signed you up for therapy and you start tomorrow after school, your blood test came back good yesterday while you were asleep. Your mom signed the papers for you to leave yesterday but you were asleep. So if you want to get ready you can meet your family in the waiting room" He said and i nodded and he walked out.

"What were you saying" I asked turning to Amber.

"Nothing just promise me you wont do it again" she said grabbing my hand.

"I don't make promises I might not be able to keep" I said pulling my hand away from hers slowly. She sighed and stood up.

"Come on lets get ready to go" she said grabbing my clothes from a closet thing in the room. I got off the bed slowly then walked to the bathroom to get dressed. I washed my face and then walked out of the bathroom and Amber was sitting on the bed waiting.

Being Bullied By My Brother// Hayes Grier and Nash Grier// *completed*Where stories live. Discover now